Psoriasis: Its Causes, Symptoms, Types, and Its Treatment

Psoriasis Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Are you seeing some raised patches of skin with silvery scales, dry skin or redness on the skin? Do you know that these symptoms might not just be simple skin issues but symptoms of Psoriasis? Early treatment from Kayakalp Global can prevent the disease from worsening and decrease the risk of complications such as joint …

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin condition characterized by red, scaly patches on the skin. According to the experienced doctors at Kayakalp Global psoriasis occurs when the immune system triggers the skin cells to grow too quickly, causing them to build up on the surface of the skin and form plaques. These plaques can be itchy, and painful, and can crack and bleed.

Psoriasis can affect any part of the body, but it is most commonly found on the scalp, knees, elbows, lower back, and palms of the hands. In addition to the physical symptoms, psoriasis can also have an emotional impact, as the visible skin lesions can be stigmatizing and affect one’s self-esteem.

Psoriasis treatment is difficult, but with the help of Ayurveda and modern medication together, Kayakalp Global has come up with a variety of treatments to help manage symptoms. These can include topical creams, phototherapy, oral medications, biological injections, Panchakarma therapies to name a few. It is important to work with a healthcare professional to determine the best-personalized treatment plan for each individual case of psoriasis.

Causes Of Psoriasis

Although the specific etiology of psoriasis is unknown, it is thought to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Here are some possible factors that can trigger psoriasis:

  1. Genetics: Psoriasis tends to run in families, and certain genes are associated with an increased risk of developing the condition.
  2. Immune system: Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder, which means that the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells, in this case, skin cells, leading to inflammation and the formation of plaques.
  3. Environmental factors: Certain environmental factors such as stress, injury to the skin, infections, and some medications can trigger or worsen psoriasis symptoms.
  4. Lifestyle factors: Lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity can increase the risk of developing psoriasis.

While these risk factors can raise the likelihood of having psoriasis, not everyone with these risk factors will acquire the condition. If you have psoriasis or are concerned about your risk of developing psoriasis, speak with a healthcare professional at Kayakalp Global for guidance on how to manage your symptoms and reduce your risk of complications. The combination treatment by Kayakalp Global aims to achieve a more significant objective beyond merely clearing the scales from the skin surface, which can be accomplished with regular application of local treatments, leading to temporary freedom from scales for a few days or months. Rather, the goal is to eliminate Psoriasis from the root, resulting in a permanent cure.

Psoriasis Flare-Ups

A psoriasis outbreak, also known as a flare-up, is caused by contact with a trigger, which could be an irritant or an allergen. Psoriasis flare-ups vary from individual to person. Common psoriasis flare-up triggers include:

  • Winters are a common trigger
  • Emotional tension/ stress
  • A bacterial infection (streptococcal infection).
  • A skin injury such as a cut, scrape, or surgery.
  • Lithium and beta-blockers are two examples of drugs.
  • Weather-related changes in body temperature.

Psoriasis Types

There are different psoriasis types, including:

  1. Plaque psoriasis: This is the most common form of psoriasis and is characterized by raised, red patches covered with silvery-white scales.
  2. Guttate psoriasis: This type of psoriasis often occurs in children and young adults and is characterized by small, red, scaly spots on the skin.
  3. Inverse psoriasis: develops in skin folds such as the armpits, groin, and beneath the breasts. It’s distinguished by smooth, red, inflammatory patches of skin. In this type there are no plaques that are commonly seen in other types of psoriasis. 
  4. Pustular psoriasis: is an uncommon form of psoriasis that results in pus-filled blisters on the skin. It might affect only particular regions of the body or the entire body. This type of psoriasis requires antibiotics as well. 
  5. Erythrodermic psoriasis: This is a rare but severe form of psoriasis that can affect the entire body. It is characterized by redness, inflammation, and shedding of the skin.
  6. Sebopsoriasis: This form often manifests as lumps and plaques with a greasy, yellow scale on your face and scalp. This condition is a hybrid of psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis.
  7. Nail psoriasis: This type of psoriasis affects the nails, causing pitting, discoloration, and thickening of the nails. This is called stage 2 if psoriasis is not treated at this stage it can enter the small joints of the fingers and this condition is stage 3 if psoriasis called psoriatic arthritis

Each type of psoriasis can have unique symptoms and require different treatment approaches. It is important to work with a healthcare professional to accurately diagnose the type of psoriasis and develop a personalized treatment plan.

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Psoriasis treatment with Kayakalp Global


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Psoriasis Symptoms

Psoriasis comes from the greek word “psora” which means itching in english. Psoriasis symptoms vary based on the type of psoriasis and the severity of the ailment. However, some common psoriasis symptoms include:

  1. Itching, burning, or soreness
  2. Dry, cracked skin that may bleed
  3. Skin areas that are crimson and coated in silvery scales
  4. Painful skin cracks that may bleed
  5. Soreness, burning, or itching in areas of skin that have plaques
  6. Small scaling spots (often seen in children)
  7. Plaques that may merge together to form larger patches
  8. Scales that may peel off in large sheets
  9. Thickened, pitted, or ridged nails
  10. Swollen and stiff joints

It’s important to note that the symptoms associated with psoriasis may come and go over time because it is a chronic condition. Some people with psoriasis may experience periods of remission, during which they have no symptoms, while others may experience frequent flare-ups. If you have any of the symptoms of psoriasis, it’s important to speak with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Psoriasis Treatments

There are several different treatments available for psoriasis, and the best approach will depend on the type and severity of the condition. Some common treatments for psoriasis include:

  1. Oral medications: For moderate to severe cases of psoriasis, oral medications such as methotrexate, cyclosporine, and acitretin may be prescribed to suppress the immune system and reduce inflammation. However, Dermatologists closely monitor each patient taking Methotrexate due to its potential to cause numerous side effects. Common side effects of using these medications include loss of appetite, nausea, mouth sores, redness, vomiting, and swelling inside the mouth, as well as fatigue. Moreover, certain individuals may not react positively to conventional allopathic treatments or may experience the recurrence of symptoms upon discontinuing medication. There are also those who may opt to forgo medication entirely and explore alternative treatments for their psoriasis.
  2. Topical medications: Topical treatments are creams and ointments that are applied to the affected skin to alleviate inflammation and itching. Corticosteroids, vitamin D analogs, retinoids, and tar compounds are some examples.
  3. Phototherapy: This is a medically supervised treatment that involves exposing the skin to UV light. This can assist to minimise inflammation and slow skin cell proliferation. 
  4. Biological medicines: These are injectable treatments that lower inflammation by targeting specific sections of the immune system. Adalimumab, etanercept, and ustekinumab are a few examples.
  5. Lifestyle changes: Making lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, and managing stress can help to reduce psoriasis symptoms.
  6. Use of Psorcure Oil: Kayakalp Globals has developed Psorcure Oil, a proprietary solution that has proven to be highly effective in managing scalp psoriasis. The oil works by reducing inflammation, flattening raised plaques, alleviating itching, and minimizing redness levels of the plaque. For optimal results, it is recommended to combine the oil application with 10 minutes of morning sun exposure, which can lead to visible improvement within two weeks.

It’s important to work with a healthcare professional to determine the best treatment plan for your individual case of psoriasis. Some treatments may cause side effects or interact with other medications, so it’s important to discuss all options with a healthcare professional.

Psoriasis Treatment At Kayakalp Global

Our therapy approach at Kayakalp Global is comprehensive, addressing all elements of the disease. This therapy procedure required ten years of development and has been in use for the past fifteen years. The procedure is 100% natural and free of chemicals, and it has created no known negative effects with fantastic outcomes yet.

We begin internal ayurveda treatment at Kayakalp Global with a combination of exterior applications that the patient uses for a few weeks. Internal herbal medicines are designed to cleanse the blood of toxins and prevent the recurrence of lesions. The primary focus of treatment is to ensure that psoriasis does not reappear after remission, and this is an area in which Kayakalp Global specializes. Treatment is typically continued for one year, during which internal medicines are gradually discontinued, and only Psorcure Oil is administered to prevent new patches from forming. The herbs in Psorcure Oil regulate skin growth and vitamin D proliferation, thereby ensuring long-lasting results.

It is crucial to control psoriasis at this stage, as a casual approach can lead to the development of body psoriasis, which can then progress to nail and joint psoriasis, requiring heavier doses of drugs and prolonged treatment. Kayakalp Global recommends seeking treatment at an early stage to completely eradicate psoriasis.

  1. Treatment is determined by the degree of the condition, whether it is limited to the skin or has spread to the nails and/or joints.
  2. Blood cleansing herbs are provided –
  3. Remove toxins from the body; 
  4. Prevent cell proliferation, which leads to extra skin production (scales); and 
  5. Improve digestion and reduce stress.
  6. Internal herbal medicines as well as external ointments/oils are offered.
  7. Ayurvedic medicines offered by qualified medical professionals at Kayakalp Global have been properly researched for heavy metals and have no negative effects. 
  8. Every patient is assigned a healthcare provider who will call on a frequent basis to clear the patient’s questions.
  9. The treatment will also include lifestyle, food, and yoga suggestions.
  10. The goal of our treatment is not merely to remove scales from the superficial skin (for which you can use any local application on a daily basis to keep skin free of scales for a few days or months), but to permanently eliminate Psoriasis.

Kayakalp Global is India’s unique hospital where a team of both Ayurvedic and Allopathic doctors work together to devise treatments based on the severity and needs of the patient.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is psoriasis similar to eczema?

Psoriasis and eczema are two distinct skin diseases. Although, both illnesses produce symptoms such as discolored skin, a rash, and itching. Psoriasis plaques are patches of thick, scale-covered skin. Eczema is characterized by a rash of dry, rough skin. Eczema is also associated with more acute itching than psoriasis.

2. Is psoriasis communicable?

No, psoriasis does not spread from an infected person to others. You cannot contract psoriasis by coming into contact with someone else’s psoriasis skin rash.

3. How can I avoid psoriasis?

There is no way to completely prevent psoriasis. You can lower your risk by adhering to your healthcare provider’s treatment plan if you see symptoms, leading a healthy lifestyle, caring for your skin, and avoiding triggers that can cause an eruption of symptoms.

4. Is there a treatment for psoriasis?

The cure of Psoriasis is quite difficult with only modern medication or only Ayurveda. It is because psoriasis is a chronic disorder, and symptoms may appear and disappear throughout your life. Treatment can alleviate symptoms, allowing you to look and feel your best. However, the combination treatment method used by Kayakalp Global can help to get to the root cause of this disease and treat it properly.


Psoriasis is an irritating chronic debilitating skin condition that can appear and disappear during your life. It is caused by an overactive immune system and is not communicable. Consult your healthcare professional if you have persistent skin changes. There is very little cure for psoriasis and your doctor may recommend a specific cream, moisturizer, or medicine. If creams or medications do not help, there are other options. Maintaining your general health will also aid in the improvement of symptoms.

Kayakalp Global offers access to a team of experts who integrate Ayurveda and Allopathy, providing patients with a unique approach to integrative medicine. By tailoring treatments to individual patients based on their medical history and specific ailment, Kayakalp Global ensures that each patient receives customized care.

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