1. Skin gets covered with thick silvery coats of dry scales.
2. There are red patches and streaks on epidermis surface with small scales, often spots seen commonly in children.
3. Skin ultimately gets dried up and starts to crack eventually leading to bleeding when scratched as it becomes itchy.
4. There is often a burning sensation, soreness or inflammation on the surface.
5. Nails can also get pits or ridges and there is a thickened nail plate. It can also separate from its nail bed.
6. Joints become swollen and stiff leading to loss of mobility followed by pain when moving. This is known as Psoriatic arthritis.
Different symptoms under the following conditions relate to a particular type of psoriasis which we can study to pursue effective treatment measures:
The rapid growth of skin as a red, hard and dry surface can indicate plaque psoriasis if you have a shiny silver look. It has dead tissues surrounding the area and affects mostly the scalp, knees, elbows and lower back. Often, scratching causes the surface to start bleeding.
If you have bright red lesions behind your body folds, it is likely the sign of inverse psoriasis. Body parts like the axilla, area behind the groin and knee are affected.
Children who have small dots of depigmented skin color are likely to get guttate psoriasis. Most children having strep infection can also have this disease.
Pustular psoriasis is an uncommon type of psoriasis. Anyone who has raised bumps or pustules that are bright in color having defined margins could be under its influence. The pustules are filled with pus of white blood cells and are noncontagious and seen on upper and lower extremities.
In case of severe skin redness spreading to rather a large part of the body followed by skin shedding, this means it is erythrodermic psoriasis. This type takes the form of severe itching causing pain and showing visible skin peeling commonly occurring in people who have unstable plaque psoriasis.
Nail psoriasis ensues uneven form of dent like indentations on the nail that could be unevenly distributed on the nail plate. The nail plate may also lose its contact with the nail bed and create space underneath its area called onycholysis. Even if the nail gets discolored or shows signs of yellow patches or dark discoloration, then apparently it is nail psoriasis. Moreover, coarse ridges on the surface of nail bed indicate this marker. Also that nail crumbling can indicate this type of psoriasis.
Whether it is any part of body area, the natural visibility of skin is affected. When the scalp develops thick coverings of dry white patches either spread over the entire head or in small blisters, you might have scalp psoriasis. It could also appear on the neck, behind the ears, forehead giving it a patch like appearance. Scalp psoriasis can also be inherited from the ancestors by an individual.
The inflammatory process is triggered by an autoimmune condition where even the genitals are covered. The psoriasis can develop on the vulva or the penis covering the upper thighs, skin folds, axilla and the gluteals or knees. One can start having flareup after some standoff. Stress can induce this type into exacerbation.
A good lifestyle including smoking avoidance, being kempt and clean, showering daily but avoiding hard soaps, and soft rubbing can be helpful if one has psoriasis. Some medications and moisturizers can also assist in this condition. Injections also provide good benefit from this disease.