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10 Myths And Facts Around Psoriasis You Should Know First

Psoriasis: Myths & Facts

Are you suffering from problems like thick, red skin patches with silvery-white scales that may burn or itch, typically found on the scalp, elbows, knees, trunk, palms, and soles of the feet? These are typical symptoms of Psoriasis. If untreated on time can lead to other health conditions like psoriatic arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and type …

Psoriasis is thought to be the result of a mix of hereditary and environmental causes. The specific etiology of psoriasis is unknown, however, it is assumed to be associated with an immune system defect that causes skin cell overproduction. This overproduction of skin cells causes raised, scaly areas to appear on the skin.

A mix of genetic and environmental variables is thought to be responsible for immune system dysfunction. Doctors at Kayakalp Global say that there are certain genetic abnormalities that may predispose some people to psoriasis, while environmental triggers such as stress, infections, skin traumas, and certain drugs may aggravate the condition or cause the first outbreak.

Psoriasis can affect any part of the body, but it is most frequent on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back. Psoriasis can appear suddenly or gradually, and the severity of symptoms varies greatly from person to person.

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How Does Psoriasis Start?

Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease* (a disease with an unknown origin characterized by inflammation induced by immune system malfunction) that produces inflammation in the body. Raised scales and plaques on the skin may be apparent symptoms of edema. 

A month’s time is typical for normal skin cells to grow and shed. Skin cells in psoriasis do this within 3-4 days. Skin cells accumulate, Instead of shedding from the skin’s surface. Psoriasis plaques itch, burn, and sting. These can grow everywhere on the body, although most frequently on the elbows, knees, and scalp.

Facts Around Psoriasis

Here are some facts about psoriasis:

  1. Psoriasis is a persistent autoimmune illness that causes red, scaly patches and plaques on the skin. Psoriasis affects up to 3% of the world’s population, according to estimates. Psoriasis can strike anyone at any age, however, it is most typically diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 35. 
  2.  Psoriasis can negatively affect a person’s quality of life by creating physical discomfort, social isolation, and even depression. Psoriasis can have a negative impact on your mental health. As a result, you may be tempted to withdraw from the social scene. However, talking about it with others, particularly those who have the disease, makes you feel less alone and provides support, even if that support is virtual.
  3. Psoriasis is not contagious and cannot spread through touch. Psoriasis is not contagious, however, the general population may be unaware that it cannot be spread from one person to another. 
  4. Although there is no cure for psoriasis, there are a number of therapies available to help control symptoms and enhance the quality of life.
  5. Psoriasis patients are more likely to acquire additional disorders such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and depression. To help mitigate these risks, keep your weight within a healthy range.
  6. Psoriasis can manifest itself everywhere in your body. Everyone who has psoriasis experiences it differently. Some people just have plaques on their scalps, whereas others have plaques all over their bodies. Psoriasis can also affect the face, hands, feet, and nails, as well as the skin folds beneath the arms and breasts.
  7. Scalps are soothed by vinegar. True, apple cider vinegar can help with an itchy scalp. Apply it directly from the bottle or mix it in a 1:1 ratio with water. Following that, thoroughly rinse. If your scalp is broken or bleeding, skip this home treatment. It has the potential to burn and irritate your skin.
  8. You should abstain from alcohol. Heavy drinking, particularly if you’re a man, may prevent your psoriasis medication from working properly. When some psoriasis treatments, such as methotrexate and acitretin, are used with alcohol, they might cause serious adverse effects in women.
  9. Psoriasis can affect the joints as well as the skin, resulting in a condition known as psoriatic arthritis. In its milder variants, Psoriatic Arthritis is frequently misdiagnosed. However, to avoid permanent joint injury, it is crucial to diagnose and treat it as soon as possible.
  10. The National Psoriasis Foundation and the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations are two organizations dedicated to spreading awareness about psoriasis and assisting those affected by the condition.

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Psoriasis treatment with Kayakalp Global


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Myths Around Psoriasis

Here are some common myths about psoriasis:

  1. Psoriasis is communicable – This is one of the most dangerous myths about the condition. Psoriasis is not like a rash on your child’s arm that can spread to others. Psoriasis is not contagious and cannot be transmitted from person to person via casual or skin-to-skin contact.
  2. Poor cleanliness causes psoriasis – Psoriasis is not caused by poor hygiene, and excellent hygiene practices will neither treat nor prevent psoriasis.
  3. Psoriasis just affects the skin – Although psoriasis is primarily a skin illness, it can also affect the joints, nails, and even internal organs.
  4. Psoriasis Cannot Be Treated – Several effective treatment options for psoriasis are available, and while finding the perfect one may require some trial and error, most people with this illness eventually find a therapy that works for them. The success percentage is usually determined by the severity of the symptoms. Mild psoriasis can be efficiently treated with topical treatment alone, such as steroid creams and ointments, however, the severe illness will require systemic medication, such as pills or shots.
  5. It is caused by stress – Stress does not cause psoriasis, although it can cause a flare-up. The immunological response to stress in your body is the same one that causes psoriasis symptoms. According to some research, stress may even prevent your drugs from working as effectively as they should. Meditation, regular exercise, and other relaxation practices may assist you in maintaining your calm. While stress might aggravate psoriasis symptoms, it is not the root cause.
  6. It Affects Fertility – Psoriasis can cause some problems even in a healthy, normal pregnancy for women. During pregnancy, you may notice that your symptoms improve or worsen. It is unique to each woman. If you’re thinking about becoming pregnant, talk to your doctor at Kayakalp Global about your current medications to ensure they’re safe for the baby.
  7. Psoriasis is not merely a cosmetic problem; in some situations, it can cause physical discomfort, agony, and even disability. It can also have a negative impact on a person’s mental and emotional health. Anyone who tells you that your psoriasis is “just dry skin” has never experienced the misery of raw, itchy plaques and skin inflammation.
  8. Exercise Makes Things Worse – The inverse is true. According to research, vigorous physical activity minimizes epidemics. It’s also excellent for your heart and mood.
  9. Avoid the sun at all costs – On the contrary, some sunlight is beneficial as it may possibly aid in the healing of your plaques. Consult your doctor at Kayakalp Global, before going out in the sun to determine how much time you can spend out of the shade.
  10. Psoriasis only affects older people – Psoriasis can affect people of all ages, including children. It is most commonly detected between the ages of 15 and 35.

It’s important to separate fact from fiction when it comes to psoriasis and to seek accurate information from reputable sources, such as healthcare professionals and psoriasis advocacy organizations.

People who don’t understand psoriasis often believe that it’s nothing more than dry skin—or that it’s contagious. As they say, knowledge is power, and thus it’s always recommended to ask the experts to help us put these frustrating and stigmatizing myths to rest. 

And you can find such experts at Kayakalp Global. By combining Ayurveda with Allopathy, doctors at Kayakalp Global provide their patients with a novel concept of integrative medicine. Since each patient at Kayakalp Global is unique, your treatment is customized for you depending on your ailment and medical history.

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