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9 Best Home Remedies for Psoriasis

home remedies for psoriasis

Physical and mental strain can result from the chronic skin disorder known as psoriasis, which is characterized by the fast growth of skin cells. It requires efficient management, and Kayakalp Global provides a comprehensive approach to psoriasis treatment by utilizing the power of the age-old holistic healing method known as Ayurveda. With Kayakalp Global, learn …

In this blog, We will explore the top nine home remedies for psoriasis, based on Ayurveda. Herbs, dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments are some of these all-natural treatments, which are based on ages of conventional wisdom. Psoriasis patients might find relief from their symptoms and make progress towards a better, more balanced existence by comprehending and using these psoriasis ayurveda concepts.

Understanding Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin illness that affects thousands of people worldwide, regardless of their age, gender, or race. Psoriasis is characterized by the rapid accumulation of skin cells and presents as elevated, scaly patches that are red, itchy, and occasionally severe.

Psoriasis has effects that go past the layer of the skin’s surface. Due to its visibility, it may cause low self-esteem, societal judgment, and mental suffering. It is also not just a skin disorder. Psoriasis may also impact joints, causing a disease that is called psoriatic arthritis.

Treatments for psoriasis focus on symptom management. These therapies include anything from creams for the skin and phototherapy to oral drugs and lifestyle of life adjustments.

Psoriasis may make daily life difficult, but with the right treatment and support, people can have happy, fulfilled lives. The first stages in controlling the condition’s physical and psychological impacts are understanding it and looking into available treatments.

| Related: Psoriasis: Its Causes, Symptoms, Types, and Its Treatment |

Psoriasis and Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the traditional holistic medical system of India, provides a distinctive and all-encompassing method for comprehending and treating psoriasis. Psoriasis is frequently seen in Ayurveda as the result of disturbances in one’s body’s doshas, especially pitta and kapha.

The irritation and redness associated with psoriasis are believed to be caused by an excess of the pitta dosha, which represents inflammation and heat in psoriasis Ayurveda philosophy. The excessive peeling and cracking of the skin is a symptom of the kapha dosha, which represents heaviness and excessive tissue development.

The goal of psoriasis ayurvedic treatment is to balance these doshas once more. This all-encompassing strategy includes herbal treatment for psoriasis, lifestyle changes, and dietary alterations that are specific to each person’s prakriti, or constitution.

The Ayurvedic approach understands that psoriasis is a sign of general health rather than just a skin condition. Treatments therefore address the underlying reasons as well as the outward symptoms. Neem, turmeric, and guggul are ayurvedic herbs with anti-inflammatory qualities that are essential for treating psoriasis.

Ayurvedic medicine for psoriasis offers a potential path for those looking for relief from physical discomfort and mental suffering, because of its emphasis on individualized treatment, holistic treatment, and the connection between mind and body.

| Related: 10 Myths And Facts Around Psoriasis You Should Know First |

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Let’s examine the nine home remedies for psoriasis rooted in Ayurveda psoriasis treatment, in more detail:

  1. (Azadirachta Indica) Neem

  • The antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory qualities of neem make it one of the most potent home remedies for psoriasis.
  • It lessens the itching, redness, and flaking associated with psoriasis.
  • Neem may be utilized in many different ways, such as neem tea and capsules for internal use, or neem oil for external use.
  • Neem’s main ingredient, nimbidin, is thought to reduce inflammation and promote the healing of the skin.
  • Neem paste or neem oil can be used often to calm sensitive skin, but a patch test is necessary to verify tolerance.
  1. (Curcuma longa) Turmeric

  • The curcumin found in turmeric is renowned in psoriasis Ayurveda philosophy for its significant antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulating effects.
  • Intake of turmeric, either naturally or as a dietary supplementation, can help lessen psoriasis-related inflammation.
  • Itching and redness can be reduced by using a turmeric paste topically that has been diluted with oil or water.
  • Curcumin is useful in the treatment of psoriasis because of its capacity to suppress cytokines implicated in inflammation.
  • Regular use of turmeric can boost the immune system and improve the condition of the skin.
  1. Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera)

  • A natural moisturizing agent with an anti-inflammatory nature and wound-healing capabilities is aloe vera gel.
  • It is frequently applied to psoriasis-affected regions to relieve itch and discomfort.
  • The cooling impact of the gel might provide irritated skin with immediate relief.
  • The antioxidant chemicals in aloe vera may help to heal skin damage and lessen the redness.
  • To treat psoriasis lesions, immediately use fresh aloe vera gel or use aloe-based lotions and ointments.
  1. Commiphora Wightii (Guggul)

  • Guggul has anti-inflammatory qualities and is made with the resins of the Mukul myrrh tree.
  • Guggul pills are frequently advised by Ayurvedic doctors as Ayurvedic medicine for psoriasis.
  • The guggul’s active ingredient, guggulsterone, may assist in controlling immunological reactions and lowering inflammation in the skin.
  • It’s crucial to speak with an Ayurvedic doctor about the right amount and time to take guggul supplements.
  • Supplements containing guggul are available as tablets or capsules.

| Related: Psoriasis Diet Tips: Foods To Eat And Avoid |

  1. Triphala

  • The three fruits – Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Amalaki (Indian gooseberry), make up the well-known Ayurvedic herbal concoction known as Triphala.
  • This mixture is recognized for its digestive and cleansing properties.
  • Triphala promotes a healthy gut, which is important for treating skin diseases like psoriasis according to Ayurveda.
  • It improves digestion and aids in toxin removal, enhancing general well-being.
  • Triphala comes in three different forms: powder, pills, and decoction.
  1. Rubia Cordifolia (Manjistha)

  • Manjistha is a powerful anti-inflammatory plant that purifies the blood.
  • It is frequently employed in Ayurveda as an herbal treatment for psoriasis to treat skin conditions.
  • Manjistha can be taken in powdered or in tablet form, but dosage guidelines must be followed.
  • It is thought that the herb’s capacity to detoxify the blood helps to lessen psoriasis symptoms.
  • Manjistha paste can be administered topically to relieve psoriasis symptoms.
  1. Bakuchi (Psoralea corylifolia)

  • Traditional psoriasis ayurvedic treatment involves using bakuchi seeds.
  • The seeds become a strong paste when they are soaked in the juice of ginger and dried outside in the sun.
  • White spots are treated with this paste topically and then exposed to light.
  • Sunlight exposure stimulates the synthesis of melanin and promotes repigmentation.
  • The skin’s pigment-producing cells, melanocytes, are thought to be stimulated by bakuchi.
  1. Coconut Oil

  • Coconut oil is an organic lubricant and moisturizer that can help reduce the dryness and scaling associated with psoriasis.
  • Its fatty acids help the skin retain moisture by forming a barrier that protects the skin.
  • Regular use of coconut oil can ease pain and lessen irritation.
  • For greater advantages, coconut oil can be taken either alone or in conjunction with other Ayurvedic medicines.
  • For optimal results, choose virgin or extra-virgin coconut oil.
  1. Proscure Oil

  • The Ayurvedic remedy called Proscure Oil was created expressly to treat skin disorders, such as psoriasis.
  •  This herbal mixture combines the benefits of tried-and-true Ayurvedic plants renowned for their ability to soothe the skin.
  • The special combination of components in the oil, including neem, turmeric, and aloe vera, reduces psoriasis-related itchiness, redness, and scaling.
  • Proscure Oil can moisturize dry skin, offer much-needed comfort, and aid in the inherent healing processes of the skin when used often.
  • It’s a holistic, all-natural remedy that supports the well-being and health of the skin in accordance with Ayurvedic principles.

| Related: Top Lifestyle Changes for Psoriasis |

These Ayurvedic home remedies for psoriasis provide a comprehensive approach to managing psoriasis. Individual reactions to these treatments might vary, so it’s important to speak with a doctor or an Ayurvedic specialist at Kayakalp Global for a personalized treatment plan. In order to enhance overall well-being in people with psoriasis, Ayurveda also emphasizes an integrated strategy that incorporates lifestyle adjustments, reducing stress, and other practices.

Consulting Ayurvedic Experts at Kayakalp Global

It takes skill to navigate the nuances of psoriasis ayurvedic treatment. Our skilled Ayurvedic practitioners at Kayakalp Global have expertise in the practice of holistic healing. A variety of Ayurvedic treatments for psoriasis are offered at Kayakalp Global, including Panchakarma, herbal remedies, specialized Ayurvedic skin therapies, and Ayurvedic medicine for psoriasis. These treatments are intended to deal with the underlying reasons for psoriasis and encourage the skin’s natural healing process.

We provide individualized care strategies that are based on the severity of your psoriasis and your particular constitution. These specialists walk you through dietary changes, herbal treatment for psoriasis, and lifestyle adjustments to provide a thorough and efficient psoriasis management strategy. Our specialists in Ayurveda become valued partners in your quest for better skin that is free of psoriasis and improved overall health thanks to their in-depth expertise and caring treatment.

| Related: How to Cure Psoriasis Permanently: Home Remedies and Their Efficacy |


It can be useful to learn how Ayurveda can improve the way you treat psoriasis. Discover the top nine Ayurvedic remedies described in this post and start your journey to cleaner, healthier skin. Our skilled practitioners at Kayakalp Global are available to provide individualized psoriasis ayurvedic treatment solutions and provide comfort and hope. Accept Ayurveda’s comprehensive approach to treatment, and start now on the path to a future free from psoriasis.

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