7 Yoga Asanas to deal with Vitiligo

Yoga Asanas to deal with Vitiligo

When talking about natural remedies for treating vitiligo, yoga is hands down one of the most effective choices. Not only does it elevate one’s emotional strength, but yoga also has a cumulative impact on the mind, body, and soul, optimizing one’s immune system.

When talking about natural remedies for treating vitiligo, yoga is hands down one of the most effective choices. Not only does it elevate one’s emotional strength, but yoga also has a cumulative impact on the mind, body, and soul, optimizing one’s immune system.

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder that leads to the destruction of the melanocytes, thereby forming white patches on the skin. Yoga has an internally healing property, which boosts one’s immune response, thereby reducing the further spread of the disorder on the skin.

This article will explore some of the best yoga steps for white patches that you should include in your daily exercise routine.

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How Does Yoga Help Deal with Vitiligo?

Yoga is a holistic practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and mindfulness to promote overall well-being.

Currently, we don’t have conclusive research establishing yoga as a cure for vitiligo, but practicing yoga can benefit individuals indirectly dealing with vitiligo.

Following are some ways yoga can aid with treating vitiligo in patients:

Stress Reduction – In many cases, stress is a key trigger behind the onset of vitiligo symptoms in patients, which yoga can alleviate. Since yoga involves relaxation techniques, mindfulness, and breathing exercises, all combine to reduce stress and foster a sense of calm.

Support Immunity – We discussed this before, but vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder wherein the immune system directly attacks the melanocytes, leading to the loss of pigmentation on the skin. Regular yoga practice is believed to positively impact the immune system by reducing inflammation and promoting immune system balance. This could potentially help modulate the immune response associated with vitiligo.

Improved Circulation – Another indirect benefit of yoga for vitiligo is that it improves blood circulation in the body, helping deliver necessary nutrients, further supporting skin health, and reducing further spread of the signs and symptoms of vitiligo.

Enhanced overall well-being – Lastly, yoga is a mind-body practice that prioritizes the patient’s holistic well-being. With improved physical and emotional well-being, coping with conditions like vitiligo becomes much easier for the patient.

The benefits of yoga for leucoderma should never be treated as a replacement for treatment, which is one of the reasons why our specialists at Kayakalp Global often emphasize including yoga in conjunction with our dual treatment approach (a blend of Ayurveda and Allopathy).

| Also Read: 7 Things You Should Know About Vitiligo |

What are the Best Yoga Asanas for Vitiligo?

Yoga Asanas are an effective way to overcome the complications associated with vitiligo, especially one associated with the patient’s immune system.

Following are some of the best yoga asanas one can perform to overcome the symptoms of vitiligo:

1.Nadi Shodhna Pranyama

Benefits: Balance energy channels, Stress relief, Enhances focus, Harmonize body and mind, and Clear blockages.

How to do it?

  • Start by finding a comfortable position where you can remain in a seated position, either on the floor or the chair.
  • Keep your spine erect and your shoulders relaxed.
  • Next, place your right thumb over the right nostril and use the right ring finger to close the left nostril.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale through both the nostrils.
  • Again, close your right nostril using your right thumb and then inhale slowly through the left nostril.
  • Next, close both your nostrils using your right thumb and right ring finger and hold your breath for a few seconds.
  • Gradually release your right thumb and then exhale slowly through that nostril.
  • Repeat the cycle changing the nostrils and breathing in and out deeply.

How many rounds?

If you are a beginner, we’d recommend you start with 5-10 rounds, and as you get more comfortable, you can increase the duration.

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2. Sheetali Pranayama

Benefits – Cooling effects, Reduced stress, Improved digestion, Improved lung health, Balance pitta dosha.

How to do it?

  • Start by sitting comfortably on the ground, keeping your spine straight and erect and your shoulders taut but relaxed.
  • Next, you want to curl your tongue lengthwise, creating a “tube-like” structure. If you can’t curl your tongue, combine your teeth and part your lips slightly.
  • Through the curled tongue, inhale deeply, ensuring the air passes through the tongue into the body.
  • Once you are done inhaling the air, close your mouth immediately and exhale through the nostrils.
  • Continue doing this until you feel calm and relaxed.

How many rounds?

You can start with 5-10 rounds initially and increase it by 5-10 once you have mastered the yoga.

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3. Kapalbhati Pranayama

Benefits – Cleansing and detoxification, Improved digestion, boost energy, toned abdominal muscles, and reduced stress.

How to do it?

  • The first step you want to do is to sit comfortably on top of a yoga mat, keeping your spine erect.
  • While keeping your palms facing upward, place them on top of your knee.
  • Inhale deeply through the nose, feel your chest expand, and fill up with air.
  • Next, you want to exhale the inhaled air out of the body forcefully, all while contracting your abdominal muscles at the same time.
  • The forceful exhalation is the highlight of this yoga asana.

How many rounds?

You can start with 20-30 repetitions of this breathing exercise once you have mastered it. Start with 8-10 repetitions for beginners and slowly build your momentum.

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4. Bhastrika Pranayama

Benefits – Increased vitality, Improved respiratory function, Cleansing and detoxification, Enhanced focus, Boosted immunity.

How to do it?

  • Start with sitting comfortably in a seated position on the ground, keeping your shoulders relaxed.
  • Warm up by inhaling and exhaling air in and out of the body.
  • You want to inhale deeply through the nose until your chest expands entirely. Then, forcefully expel the air out of the lungs while contracting the abdominal muscles.
  • The inhalation and forceful exhalation cycle has to be done rhythmically, so keep that in mind.
  • The breath should be powerful and controlled, with the movement originating from your diaphragm.

How many rounds?

On average, you can start with 10-20 rounds of this breathing exercise and gradually increase them as you improve.

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5. Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Benefits – Stability and grounding, Improved flexibility, Elongated spine, Enhanced meditation, Stimulation of the energy centers.

How to do it?

  • You want to start by sitting on the yoga mat, keeping your posture straight and your legs straightened out in front of you.
  • Gradually rest your right knee and foot over the left hip crease.
  • Bend the other knee and bring it towards the hip crease, placing the foot on the inner right thigh region.
  • Once seated comfortably in the posture, adjust to ensure that none of your knees touch the ground.
  • Bring your hands in front of you in the chin mudra position (thumb and index finger touching).
  • Close your eyes and meditate in that position.

How many rounds?

There is no involvement of rounds, but you can meditate in that position for 10-20 minutes, depending on how long you can hold the position without feeling pain or discomfort.

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6. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Benefits – Improved balance, leg strength, focus and concentration, hip flexibility, Grounding, and stability.

How to do it?

  • Start by standing against the wall for support, keeping your feet together and arms resting on either side of your body.
  • While shifting your weight on your left foot, take the right foot off the ground.
  • Place the sole of your right foot against your left inner thigh, with your toes pointing downward.
  • Following this is a balancing game. This is why it is ideal for beginners to start while standing against the wall for extra support.
  • With your foot up, bring both arms above your head, join them in a Namaste position, and hold it there.
  • While maintaining this pose, breathe in and out deeply through your nose and mouth.

How many rounds?

You can start with 10 rounds, alternating the legs. For beginners, do it against the wall so you don’t have difficulty maintaining your posture and balance.

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7. Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)

Benefits – Relaxation, Stress relief, Spinal alignment, Breathing awareness, Rest, and recovery.

How to do it?

  • Start by lying down on the yoga mat, keeping your face down.
  • You want to keep your legs apart without making it uncomfortable. Keep the toes turned outwards too.
  • Place your arms stacked in front to place your forehead atop it.
  • Bend your elbows and relax your arms with your palms on the mat.
  • Relax your body and start breathing slowly and gradually.
  • As you breathe, feel all the stress and tension ebb away from your body, inducing a sense of calm and tranquillity.

How many rounds?

The yoga asana isn’t round-centric, but you can remain relaxed for 5 minutes until you feel sated and calm.


Yoga Asanas for vitiligo are a contemporary and additional natural remedy that you can consider doing to keep your mind, body, and soul charged and healthy. Since yoga is safe and has optimal results in reducing the further spread of vitiligo by optimizing the immune system, you can indulge in it without compromising your condition. 

Our specialists at Kayakalp Global often emphasize the power of yoga in improving one’s physical and emotional well-being. However, always treat Yoga as an alternative therapy that should be done alongside treatment. 

Related Blog: Is Vitiligo Related to Heredity Or Is It Genetic?

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ’s )

  1. Can yoga help in treating vitiligo?

If you are wondering if yoga cures vitiligo, the answer is no. Yoga is not a standalone cure for vitiligo but can indirectly help arrest the spread and ensure that the patient feels better physically and mentally.

  1. How often should I practice yoga to see potential benefits for vitiligo?

When it comes to yoga, consistency is key. You can start by practicing yoga 3-5 times a week and then gradually increase it to do it every day.

  1. Can yoga have any negative effects on vitiligo?

Yoga is safe to do, even for patients with vitiligo. If you are experiencing side effects after starting yoga, it is better to consult a specialist to understand why before proceeding.

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