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Vitiligo And Skin Cancer Risk: What You Need To Know?

Cure Vitiligo in 30 Days

Do you have spots on your skin showing color loss on your face, hands, arms, legs, and/or feet? Do you have whitening of your body hair, including facial hair, eyelashes, and brows? Do you frequently feel worried and self-conscious because of white patches on your skin? Do you realize that these symptoms could be Vitiligo …

Is a white spot skin cancer? Not really. Vitiligo is a skin condition defined by appearing of white patches on the skin. ‘Vitiligo,’ commonly known as Leucoderma, is an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disorder occurs when your body’s immune system targets healthy cells, causing your body to malfunction. Melanocytes, which carry melanin, are lacking from the skin cells in these locations. Melanin is a pigment that gives skin its color.

Vitiligo is a condition in which your skin loses melanin (pigment). Melanin deficiency results in blotchy white spots encircled by your natural skin color. 

Vitiligo is thought to be an autoimmune disease. That is, your immune system attacks healthy melanin cells (melanocytes) as though they’re a virus threatening your health.

Leucoderma and Vitiligo can affect any area of the body, including the lips, nose, and hair. However, it frequently affects both sides of the body, and skin exposed to the sun has a higher risk of being impacted. Because of the white patches on the skin, a person suffering from vitiligo may feel worried and self-conscious. The condition is thought to be caused by immune system alterations, environmental factors, or inherited factors.

After years of working on vitiligo cases and consulting over 2 lac + cases, Kayakalp Global has discovered that if white patches appear on hairy areas of skin where the hair color is black and don’t spread very fast, it is not a cause of worry and only Kayakalp Global’s herbal approach will assist the patients in alleviating the vitiligo problem. 

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Can Vitiligo Cause Cancer?

It stands to reason that vitiligo would increase your chances of developing melanoma cancer. After all, melanin is what shields your skin from the sun. 

As a result, the unpigmented regions are especially vulnerable to sunburn. Furthermore, UV damage has been linked to an increased risk of skin melanoma. Because these pale white spots of skin lacking melanin, are more prone to sunburn. However, this does not always mean that vitiligo and cancer cannot occur simultaneously.

There are various types of skin cancer. Skin melanoma is the most well-known of all skin cancers, and they pose the highest risk of morbidity (the chance of it spreading) and mortality (the risk of dying from it if not treated early). But can vitiligo cause cancer?

Scientific evidence demonstrates that there is no significantly elevated risk of skin melanoma or nonmelanoma skin malignancies in vitiligo skin or the rest of the skin, regardless of whether someone has received ultraviolet light therapy.

| Also Read: Early Stages of Vitiligo: Steps to Cure |

However, this does not indicate that the risk of vitiligo and skin cancer being related is nil. Vitiligo has been linked to autoimmune disorders such as autoimmune thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and SLE, all of which have been linked to an increased risk of malignancy.  Long-term phototherapy has also raised concerns about the possibility of melanoma cancer. Several studies have found a higher probability of prostate cancer, albeit without statistical significance. Vitamin D insufficiency has also been linked to an elevated risk of prostate cancer. Vitiligo and cancer of the prostate may be linked by a vitamin D deficit.

However, one cannot ignore the importance of vitiligo therapy which is both timely and effective. People frequently hold misconceptions about Vitiligo, believing that it cannot be entirely treated. However, this is not the case with Ayurvedic treatment because Ayurvedic medicine has completely healed Vitiligo. Patients who have had Vitiligo for nearly half of their lives have experienced complete recovery from Vitiligo white patches because of Kayakalp Global Health Center’s Ayurvedic treatment.

Skin Cancer Symptoms

Even if a correlation between vitiligo and skin cancer does not exist. However, it is critical to keep an eye on the symptoms. Many people experience skin signs before developing melanoma cancer. If these skin cancer symptoms are addressed promptly, they may never progress to cancer.

Important symptoms to look out for include:

  • Rough, scaly patches on sun-exposed areas such as the face, scalp, lips, hands, and shoulders.
  • Wart-like or small animal horn-like growths in often sun-exposed locations (called cutaneous horns)
  • Red, rough dots with wavy borders
  • Chronic open wounds that do not heal
  • Pigmented patches with borders that are irregular and inconsistent in color resemble huge, elevated, asymmetrical moles.

If you observe any of these skin cancer symptoms, contact your doctor straight away. Self-medication for vitiligo should never be used since it can result in a few black spots on the vitiligo patch but not complete recovery, and the skin created will be darker than the surrounding skin. Kayakalp Global skin clinic offers the best ayurvedic therapy for vitiligo, and you can consult with a herbal vitiligo specialist there.

Vitiligo treatment with Kayakalp Global


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Vitiligo treatment with Kayakalp Global


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25 + years of doctors experience

| Also Read: Is Vitiligo Related to Heredity Or Is It Genetic? |

Skin Protection And Treatment for People With Vitiligo

Even if current research is right and vitiligo melanoma may not be causal, having vitiligo does not provide complete protection. As a result,  it is always vital to take care to protect your skin, especially if you have vitiligo.

Patients with vitiligo should continue to wear sunscreen to avoid sunburn, especially if they are simultaneously receiving light treatment, which is used to cure some kinds of vitiligo.”

Wearing sunscreen is usually a smart idea. Sunscreen can help you control vitiligo in addition to lowering your chance of acquiring skin melanoma. It will prevent your skin from tanning, making the contrast in color between your normal skin and the skin discolored by vitiligo less obvious.

HOWEVER, IT IS IMPORTANT TO STATE: Having vitiligo does not preclude you from developing skin cancer. It is still possible, thus it is critical to seek vitiligo therapy as soon as possible. 

Ayurveda can permanently heal vitiligo with no adverse effects. Ayurvedic practitioners classify this condition as a Tridosha illness. Leucoderma is caused by a disruption in all three doshas. Ayurvedic treatment for Vitiligo employs herbal medications to cure the illness. Virechana, Vasti, Dhara, Vamana, and other such Panchakarma therapies are applied while enhancing the body’s immune system.

Kayakalp Global’s Vitiligo Treatment

Kayakalp Global has mastered the art of re-pigmentation. The appropriate combination of external application strength and UV exposure is critical to success. We discovered drugs that can generate flawless re-pigmentation with minimal sun exposure because individuals have a shorter duration for sun exposure.

Vitiligo is a debilitating illness that causes severe mental stress in individuals, particularly those who are freshly diagnosed. The problem begins when the patient visits his doctor, who is also unconvinced about treating this ailment and says that there are few therapeutic choices available. Doctors administer Steroids, Melanocyl, Tacrolimus, PUVA, and other Immune suppressants in allopathic medicine.

Ayurvedic practitioners rely heavily on items derived from Babchi Seeds or Psorlia Corilyfolia. The problem comes when allopathic doctors have pharmacological limitations as well as concerns about the safety of long-term drug use, and Ayurvedic doctors are not as experienced in treating vitiligo due to the small number of patients treated.

Kayakalp Global Skin Clinic is a one-of-a-kind vitiligo treatment center in India where Allopathic and Ayurvedic specialists collaborate to determine which treatment is best for the patient and at what stage.

Kayakalp Global has created external applications with Psorlia, aloe, black pepper, and other herbs that work twice as fast as babchi alone. Kayakalp Global has designed a maintenance treatment strategy to ensure that the disease does not reoccur after full recovery.

| Also Read: Get Proper Treatment for Vitiligo Through Ayurveda |


The widespread doubt can vitiligo cause cancer. But don’t be concerned because you’re less likely to develop skin cancer as a result. Instead, concentrate on treating and managing your disease, which includes skin care. The condition has a significant psychological impact on the psyche. Vitiligo, which is often considered taboo in various cultures, can carry a significant social stigma. Stop hiding and step out into the world with confidence. Kayakalp Global understands patients’ common concerns and appearance-related issues, so their constant research and innovation strive for a better lifestyle and makes them one of the best Psoriasis & Vitiligo specialist clinics which is unquestionably about greater patient satisfaction and treatment success.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ’s )

  1. Can you get vitiligo from someone else?

Vitiligo is a cosmetic skin problem that diminishes the appearance of the body owing to white areas. It is neither contagious nor infectious, meaning that you cannot get it from someone else.

  1. How does Kayakalp Global aid in the treatment of vitiligo?

Kayakalp Global’s primary focus is on the treatment of Vitiligo patients using its unique Ayurvedic remedies. Every patient at Kayakalp Global is treated using the most ancient system of Ayurvedic therapy. The patient receives therapy with Ayurveda and food formulations to address the underlying cause of the ailment so that the disease does not reoccur.

  1. What exactly causes Vitiligo?

Vitiligo can be caused by both genetic and environmental factors. Vitiligo spots usually appear after a scratch, cut, or burn. Vitiligo can be caused by a paint, glue, or cosmetic allergy. Vitiligo can develop as a result of a partial or complete loss of melanocytes following an injury or allergies.

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