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Leucoderma and Vitiligo Difference: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

leucoderma and vitiligo difference

After working with hundreds of patients with Leucoderma and Vitiligo separately, I often find my patients using the terms interchangeably. While the symptoms are pretty identical, and so are the treatment options at Kayakalp Global, both these conditions have certain differences that patients need better awareness about.

We often hear people using the terms Leukoderma and Vitiligo interchangeably. And while the two conditions might look and feel similar, leukoderma and vitiligo are slightly different in how their symptoms initiate on the skin. The difference between vitiligo and leucoderma can be seen in the clinical manifestation of the condition with which they appear. Vitiligo and leucoderma are two dermatological conditions that share similarities, yet exhibit distinct characteristics. It is crucial to discern between vitiligo vs leucoderma to facilitate accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Leukoderma’s main point of difference is the list of causes, while the symptoms, mode of diagnosis and line of treatment are pretty much the same as vitiligo. The key difference between vitiligo and leucoderma lies in their origin. Vitiligo is primarily an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing pigment in the skin. This results in depigmented patches on the skin’s surface. Leucoderma vs vitiligo, on the other hand, is often associated with localized trauma, such as burns or wounds, which damages melanocytes and leads to depigmentation.

So leucoderma vs. vitiligohow to know which condition is affecting you or your loved one? And how to seek the proper treatment? Worry not as this article will explore everything there is to know about Leukoderma, its causes, symptoms, and differences with vitiligo.

What are the Causes of Leukoderma?

The way leukoderma manifests on the body differs from what happens with vitiligo. For example, vitiligo is caused due to an autoimmune response of the body, which contributes to the destruction of melanocytes in the body, leading to total loss of epidermal melanin or in patches all over the skin.

On the other hand, Leukoderma is a condition, which leads to the formation of white patches on the skin after an injury, wound healing, burn on the skin, etc. Another significant distinction in the vitiligo vs leucoderma debate is the presence of inflammation. Vitiligo is often associated with autoimmune inflammation in the affected areas. This can lead to a more widespread and unpredictable pattern of depigmentation. Leucoderma, on the contrary, tends to be more localized and is directly linked to the specific site of trauma or injury.

In short, how these diseases “look” is similar, but how they happen distinguishes one from the other.

Some of the most common leukoderma causes include:

  • Thermal burns
  • Accidental cuts
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Fungal infections
  • Ulcers, etc.

These conditions, after healing, often leave behind white patches on the skin, which are marked as leukoderma.

Besides these, some reports indicate possible connections between congenital abnormalities and leukoderma. For example, patients with Tuberous sclerosis, partial albinism, Waardenburg syndrome, and Piebaldism might risk developing these white patches on their skin.

What are the Symptoms of Leukoderma?

The leukoderma symptoms are pretty much the same as vitiligo. This is one of the reasons we said that the only difference between these two conditions lies in the causes.

The main symptom of leukoderma is the same as vitiligo – the appearance of white patches on the skin. It can start from a localized part on the skin and then spread to the adjoining areas.

The visibility of the symptoms is generally on the areas on the skin that are more commonly exposed to sunlight. However, since leukoderma doesn’t originate due to autoimmune disorders, the symptoms don’t include the development of grey eyelashes and hair, changes in eye colour, etc.  

While the terms leucoderma and vitiligo are sometimes used interchangeably, it is important to note that leucoderma is a broader term that encompasses various conditions resulting in white patches on the skin. Vitiligo, on the other hand, specifically refers to the autoimmune form of depigmentation.

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Vitiligo treatment with Kayakalp Global


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How is Leukoderma Diagnosed?

Leukoderma diagnosis is a lot similar to that of vitiligo. Since the symptoms are identical, our doctors at Kayakalp Global rely on the patient’s medical history to reach a correct and conclusive diagnosis.

In most cases (if not all), leukoderma happens as a consequence of a trauma, injury or burn. It doesn’t happen due to an overactive immune system, which contributes to the destruction of the body’s melanocytes.

So, our team of doctors focus on three things:

  • Understanding the medical history of the patient
  • Discuss the appearance of white spots or patches on the skin before
  • Events of injury, accidents or trauma recently that could contribute to the white patch

Based on the findings of these individual factors, we then curate a personalized treatment plan that aligns with the patient’s needs best. Treatment approaches for vitiligo vs leucoderma may also differ. Vitiligo often requires a multifaceted approach, including topical corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors, and phototherapy. In severe cases, surgical options like skin grafting may be considered. Leucoderma, being primarily trauma-induced, may benefit from treatments aimed at improving wound healing and stimulating melanocyte regeneration.

How is Leukoderma Treated?

At Kayakalp Global, leukoderma treatment is the same as our vitiligo treatment regimen. Irrespective of the “cause” of the white spots and patches on the skin, the consequence is the same – it leads to damage of the melanocytes, which arrests melanin production.

Hence, the leukoderma treatment regimen that our Ayurvedic and Allopathy doctors prescribe involves re-pigmentation of the skin where the discolouration has happened. Unlike vitiligo, which has the tendency to spread further, leukoderma is often a localized white patch on the skin.

That said, our treatment at Kayakalp Global is tailored to individual patient needs. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • The first step in our treatment plan is to check the white spot, assess the areas it is on and then curate the next line of treatment.
  • In the case of leukoderma patients, our first step in the treatment is to prescribe colour-forming herbal medications to our patients. These typically include topical ointments that help re-pigment the skin where the white patches have appeared.
  • Besides that, we also conduct a series of blood tests to determine any underlying deficiencies in the patient, which could also lead to the white patches. For example, a deficiency of copper, Vitamin B12 and folic acid is associated with the formation of white patches. Our doctors prescribe relevant medications based on the test results.
  • The best part about availing of Leukoderma treatment at Kayakalp Global is the convenience and accessibility. We offer teleconsultation services, enabling us to help patients across India and internationally.

Once you forward your query (with images) to our WhatsApp contact, an initial consultation happens where our doctors discuss the entire case with the patient, and understand their condition, lifestyle and risk factors. Following that, the prescription is shared, and the ordered medications and ointments from Kayakalp Global are directly shipped to the patient’s door.

Following the initial treatment, we follow up with our patients after three months to check the progress and see how well the re-pigmentation is happening. Depending on the results, we switch to a maintenance treatment plan to keep the condition in check and ensure things don’t take a turn for the worse.


Leukoderma, like vitiligo, is a very misunderstood skin condition. The condition is caused due to sunburn or other skin trauma or exposure to certain chemicals, which destroy the melanocytes or the pigment-forming cells in the body. The lack of epidermal melanin leads to the formation of white patches on the skin.

At Kayakalp Global, our vision is to make discussions around conditions like Leukoderma and vitiligo much more open and transparent. Treatment is out there, provided you know where and who to reach out to. Our treatments specialize in reducing the appearance of white patches and improving the overall appearance of the skin. In conclusion, understanding the distinction between vitiligo and leucoderma is crucial for accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment.

While both conditions may present with depigmented patches on the skin, their underlying causes and characteristics differ significantly. Therefore, consulting a dermatologist for a proper evaluation is essential to determine the most effective course of action for each individual case. For expert guidance and specialized treatments, individuals can turn to the experienced professionals at Kayakalp Global, a leading center in dermatological care.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What Is the Biggest Difference Between Vitiligo and Leukoderma?

The biggest difference between vitiligo and leukoderma lies in their cause. While vitiligo is an autoimmune skin disorder that is “self-generated”, leukoderma manifests as white patches on the skin after a cut, injury, burn, allergic reaction, etc.

  1. How fast does leukoderma spread on the skin?

Unlike vitiligo, which has a tendency to spread quickly as the antibodies formed in the body keep destroying the melanocytes, the same isn’t the case with leukoderma. The white patch on the skin caused due to leukoderma is localized and doesn’t spread to other parts of the body.

  1. Is Leukoderma permanent?

We have come a long way with respect to treatments for vitiligo and leukoderma. A permanent treatment is available for leukoderma, which can help restore the discolouration on the skin. It is a slow and gradual process, but in most cases, the white patch can be treated with the right treatment.

  1. Why is it crucial to understand the difference between vitiligo and leucoderma?

Although the illnesses are similar, a correct diagnosis is still necessary for a successful course of therapy. Dermatologists use the term “vitiligo” since it includes autoimmune components and aids in determining the best course of treatment. Although the phrases are frequently used interchangeably, precise identification ensures that depigmentation diseases receive the proper therapy.

  1. Is there a difference between vitiligo and leucoderma treatments?

Since vitiligo and leucoderma refer to similar skin disorders, their respective therapeutic modalities are extremely similar. However, because it includes autoimmune components and might affect treatment choices, the name “vitiligo” is favored in contemporary medicine. Consult specialists at Kayakalp Global for a precise diagnosis and a personalized treatment strategy in both situations.

  1. Leucoderma vs. Vitiligo, which is easier to cure?

The degree of depigmentation, the patient’s reaction to treatment, and the type of treatment employed are some of the variables that affect how easily leucoderma vs. vitiligo can be cured. Both medical conditions can be difficult to cure and can need ongoing care. It is essential to consult experts at Kayakalp Global to find the best treatment strategy for the individual instance.

  1. Is there a difference in terms of symptoms of leucoderma vs. vitiligo?

Leucoderma and Vitiligo have exhibited many of the same symptoms, including depigmented areas of skin. The nomenclature of these two disorders as well as the underlying causes, nevertheless, are where the main differences between them reside. To accurately diagnose the issue and find quick, efficient therapy, it is crucial to get the proper advice from professionals at Kayakalp Global.

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