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Psoriasis Vs Eczema: What are the difference in symptoms and treatment

Psoriasis Vs Eczema

Are you experiencing itchy, dry, red skin, rashes, thickened, pitted, or ridged nails? If you think these are symptoms of simple skin disease, then you might be wrong! These can be symptoms of Psoriasis or Eczema that can be problematic if left untreated on time. Experts at Kayakalp Global provide personalized treatment options that can …

If you have red and dry skin that itches, you’ve most likely applied every cream and lotion available to cure your eczema. If you’ve done everything and still can’t seem to get rid of your itchy skin, it could be because you have another skin ailment with very identical symptoms that your eczema cream won’t treat, called Psoriasis.

Psoriasis and eczema are like twins in that they have a similar appearance but there are key points of difference between psoriasis and eczema.

Eczema vs Psoriasis: Causes

The primary difference between psoriasis and eczema is the underlying cause. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition, which means your immune system is malfunctioning and your skin cells are growing and multiplying too quickly. The cells begin to build up on the skin’s surface, generating the white scale.

The etiology of eczema is significantly more intricate and difficult to pinpoint. Doctors at Kayakalp Global say that the rash could be caused by both genetic and environmental factors.

Researchers discovered that in some eczema sufferers, a gene responsible for producing a protective layer on the top of the skin has mutated (changed), making the skin more susceptible to infection and flare-ups. 

Climate can also play a role; for example, persons who live in a dry climate or a city with high pollution levels frequently have dry skin.

Eczema vs Psoriasis: Itchiness Variations

The subtle difference when you have an irritating, itchy spot can assist you and your dermatologist in determining whether you have psoriasis or eczema.

Psoriasis is characterized by lesser irritation and, in some cases, a horrible burn. Eczema causes severe itching on the other hand. When it becomes severe, some people scrape their skin until it bleeds.

Eczema vs Psoriasis: Where They Appear

Both skin disorders can appear everywhere on your body, although they have preferred locations.

Psoriasis usually causes problems on the following areas:

  • Scalp 
  • Elbows 
  • Knees 
  • Buttocks 
  • Face

Eczema can appear anywhere, however, it most commonly appears on the inside of the elbows or the back of the knees.

Although either condition can strike at any age, eczema is more common in youngsters, whereas psoriasis usually appears in early adulthood or later.

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Psoriasis treatment with Kayakalp Global


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Psoriasis vs Eczema: Difference in Appearance

Eczema can cause the skin to become irritated and crimson. It could be scaly, oozy, or crusty. You may notice occasionally dark, rough, and leathery patches. It might also result in edema.

Red spots can also be caused by psoriasis. They can be silvery, scaly, and elevated. However, if you examine it closely, you will notice that the skin is thicker and more irritated than in eczema.

Psoriasis vs Eczema: Difference in Triggers

Eczema is frequently caused by substances that irritate your skin, such as:

  • Soaps
  • Detergents
  • Disinfectants
  • Produce and meat juices

Things that induce allergies can also cause eczema, such as: 

  • Dust
  • Pets
  • Pollen
  • Mold
  • Dandruff
  • Certain foods

Eczema can be triggered by infections, as well as stress, sweating, heat, humidity, and hormonal changes.

Some of these triggers are shared between eczema and psoriasis, such as stress and infection. However, flare-ups can occur when your skin is harmed, such as by:

  • Vaccination
  • Sunburn
  • Scratches

Some medications, such as lithium, which is used to treat bipolar disorder and malaria treatments, can also cause a flare-up of psoriasis.

Psoriasis vs Eczema: Difference in Onset

Eczema typically begins in infants or young children. As a child grows older symptoms usually improve.

Adults are less likely to have it, but it is conceivable. When this occurs, it is usually due to another issue such as thyroid disease, hormonal changes, or stress.

Psoriasis, on the other hand, typically appears between the ages of 15 and 35. However, it is also present at different ages.

Associated Conditions Of Psoriasis and Eczema

Doctors at Kayakalp Global have shared some associated conditions of Psoriasis and Eczema:

Eczema is frequently associated with dry, sensitive skin. Someone in your family may have it, as well as asthma or hay fever.

Psoriasis has been connected to a number of significant medical disorders. You may also have diabetes, heart problems, or depression if you have it. 

Whether you have psoriasis or eczema, your doctor can offer treatment options.

Psoriasis and Eczema: Difference in Treatment

Although there is no cure for eczema or psoriasis, therapy can help ease symptoms and avoid flare-ups. The best treatment approach for you will be determined by your ailment, its severity, and your symptoms.

Eczema treatment is determined by the severity of the condition. To manage inflammation, you’ll use a topical corticosteroid and an emollient on your skin in mild to moderate cases. This type of moisturizer has an oil or cream base rather than a water base, which may cause your skin to dry out even more.

If you have moderate to severe eczema, you may need to try an immune-suppressing medication such as methotrexate, azathioprine, or cyclosporine. 

If nothing else helps, your doctor may give dupilumab (Dupixent), a biologic medication. You could also try light therapy (also known as phototherapy by your doctor) with UV light.

Psoriasis treatment is either systemic, meaning it affects your entire body, or topical, meaning it is applied to your skin. If your disease is confined or mild, topical corticosteroids and emollients may be sufficient to control it.

There is no conclusive answer to whether such treatments are better for psoriasis because their efficiency varies depending on the individual and the severity of their ailment. Furthermore, many treatments may have negative effects and may not be appropriate for everyone.

Furthermore, some patients may not respond well to these treatments or may discover that their symptoms reappear once the medicine is stopped. Others may opt to forego drugs completely and explore alternative psoriasis remedies.

Psoriasis And Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian integrative healthcare approach that has been providing remedies for all kinds ofillnesses for thousands of years. It entails promoting general health and wellness via the use of natural therapies such as herbal medicines, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes.

Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment may be a better alternative for certain people since it focuses on treating the underlying cause of the problem rather than just controlling the symptoms. 

Ayurvedic treatments for psoriasis typically involve a combination of herbal medicines, detoxification therapies, dietary modifications, and stress management techniques. The goal of Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis is to balance the body’s doshas, or energies, and to promote the natural healing process.

One of the advantages of Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis is that it is typically free of side effects, as it uses natural remedies and treatments. Additionally, Ayurvedic treatment can be customized to each individual’s unique needs and can be adjusted as needed to achieve the best possible results.


Psoriasis and eczema are two separate medical illnesses with comparable symptoms. Both have distinct causes and treatments. However, finding a difference between psoriasis and eczema can be challenging.

Both of these common skin disorders induce inflammation and irritation and are exacerbated by many of the same factors.

Treatment can assist manage your symptoms regardless of the disease you have. The intensity of your symptoms determines your treatment. It frequently includes controlling triggers and proper skin care, as well as treatment choices, to help reduce symptoms of either or both of these health concerns. 

Are you looking for gold standard psoriasis treatment, then Kayalap Global is your answer. Kayakalp Global has established itself as the premier Vitiligo and Psoriasis treatment center in India due to its unique method of treating patients with both modern and traditional medicine.

To better manage illness and avoid relapse, Kayakalp Global offers each patient a customized and integrative treatment plan which provides safe and speedy results with long-term sustainability.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it possible to have both psoriasis and eczema?

Yes, both situations are feasible at the same moment due to shared triggers and conditions. The disorders are unrelated, although some people have both psoriasis and eczema.

2. Is it possible for either eczema or psoriasis to fade away?

When eczema is diagnosed in childhood, it usually resolves on its own by the time the kid reaches maturity. Eczema and psoriasis are both chronic conditions in the majority of instances. There is no permanent cure for either illness. Treatment, on the other hand, helps manage symptoms and reduce flare-ups.

3. Can eczema progress to psoriasis?

No. Psoriasis and eczema are two completely different diseases. Eczema cannot develop into psoriasis and vice versa. However, the two illnesses might be confused with one another, especially in youngsters. A youngster may be misdiagnosed with eczema and then be given the proper diagnosis of psoriasis.

4. How many psoriasis patients progress to psoriatic arthritis?

It is expected that 20% to 40% of psoriasis patients eventually develop psoriatic arthritis.

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