Know the treatment and precautions for vitiligo

Vitiligo Treatment

Vitiligo is also known as Leukoderma. It is a skin disorder that causes the white patches on our body.  Generally, it starts without any previous sign or notice. Hence, in few cases, slight irritation is the sign of this disease. After getting a single white patch on the skin, it is likely to be speared …

Even though it is not a contagious disease but many people who are suffering from vitiligo, generally suffer from the psychological problem also, that is the big issue.

Many experts have given their different views on its occurrence but the conclusion is- vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder occurs due to the immunity disturbances. Our Immunity can disturb due to regular odd food combination intake, sudden trauma, and regular stress or due to some bad combination food habits & lifestyle.  

In this Article, we will also tell you something about the Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Vitiligo along with the precautions that need to follow against vitiligo.  
If we talk about the best treatments available for Vitiligo in India, we as an expert would only suggest you go with Ayurveda. Because Ayurveda can’t harm patients at any stage and it has no side effects.  
Meanwhile, it has proven that Ayurveda treatment works on the root cause of any disease. In Ayurveda treatment for Vitiligo, doctors would suggest some of the precautions that a Vitiligo patient needs to follow.

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Vitiligo treatment with Kayakalp Global


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Precautions of Vitiligo include the following points:

 – YOGA & Meditation can reduce stress and Stress worsens Vitiligo, therefore Exercise regularly.
– never hold any of natural urges like vomiting, urination, bowel emptying etc.
– after a heavy workout don’t take cold water bath till you get normal.
– always prefer a good diet of balanced nutrition.
– Use mild non-acidic soap for bathing.
– don’t eat much sour, acidic and salty food.
– Say not to radish, sesame, fish, Black gram and other sour food.
– Intake of cold and hot food together must be avoided.
– never eat opposite foods like Curd, salt with Milk and bamboo shoots, prawn, meat, sour fruits with milk.
– Honey, Sprouts, and milk should not be taken with non-vegetarian diets.
– Mango with milk, Fish with Sugarcane Juice, Jiggery & Pork and Fish & milk are the opposite foods which should not be consumed with each other.
– To improve immunity system – take gooseberry (amla) juice in inadequate quantity regularly.
– Regular intake of antibiotics and corticosteroids can reduce immunity.
– always prefer natural & easy to digest home-made food habits to improve your immunity.
– Avoiding junk food is good for vitiligo patients.
– Exposure from colder room temperature to hot outside and a vice versa temperature can cause immunity imbalance.
– Regular stress can also hamper immunity system.
To get proper vitiligo treatment in Ayurveda, there are above precautions which need to follow by vitiligo patients. Ayurveda treatment for Vitiligo cures any diseases from the root and it has no side effects. Ayurveda treatment for vitiligo is recommended by the experts and most of the people who have taken Ayurvedic treatment in India & world

Vitiligo Treatment in Ayurveda

According to the doctors (Vaidh), if our abdomen is clean and healthy, it would keep us healthy. Because an unhealthy stomach invites many diseases and it is the main reason for Vitiligo Patches.

Wrong food combinations, Poor hygiene, and heavy mental pressure also affect the immune system. Vitiligo treatment in Ayurveda is based on immunity system and abdomen function.
Vitiligo treatment should be done in a way to improve body metabolism & immunity. Ayurveda Treatment provides immunity stabilization and skin pigmentation together.
Hence, without proper instructions patient may not get relief, so patients must take proper guideline from the doctor. Meanwhile, patients should also follow the instructions & diet tips suggested by the best physicians like Shailender Dhawan.

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October 8, 2024

Leucoderma is one of the most commonly occurring skin disorders, marked by the development of white patches on the skin. The loss of pigmentation usually occurs in certain areas of the skin, either due to genetics, autoimmune conditions, or injuries and complications. Not only does leucoderma affect one physically, but the symptoms also impact one mentally and emotionally. Ayurvedic treatments employing a holistic approach, especially at Kayakalp Global, have enabled patients to regain control over their lives and improve their overall well-being. If you tired of the symptoms of Leucoderma and want viable results and improvements to your condition, ayurvedic treatments can a fantastic route of treatment to choose from. Understanding the Basics of Leucoderma The terms leucoderma and vitiligo are often used interchangeably. Since the symptoms are similar to vitiligo, that’s the main reason why they are frequently confused for one. In most cases, leucoderma caused by factors like injuries, burns, chemical injuries, environmental factors, etc., as opposed to vitiligo, an autoimmune disorder triggered by genetic complications. Leucoderma is usually caused by the destruction of the melanocytes, which are the cells responsible for the development of melanin in the skin. Symptoms of Leucoderma: White patches on the skin that progressively increase in size Premature graying of scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, or beard Loss of pigmentation in the mucous membranes, such as the inside of the mouth Changes in the color of the retina (inner layer of the eyeball) Causes of Leucoderma: Two potential categories of causes could lead to the …

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September 12, 2024

White patches on the skin can be a concerning sign, often indicating an underlying medical condition. One of the most common issues that people get into is ignoring those symptoms is developing chronic conditions like Vitiligo or Leucoderma down the line. Understanding the initial symptoms and causes of white patches is crucial for early diagnosis and effective treatment. This has the potential to not only stop the further spread of the white patches but also preserve the patient’s quality of life. If you are curious to educate yourself about the initial symptoms of white patches on the skin, this comprehensive guide has all the relevant details. What are the Common Conditions Associated with White Patches on Skin? Before we pay close attention to the initial symptoms, it is essential that we are aware of the potential conditions that can lead to the development of white patches on the skin. Vitiligo This is undoubtedly the most common chronic autoimmune disorder that causes visible white patches on the skin. It happens due to the destruction of the melanocytes in the skin, which are responsible for melanin production. Pityriasis Alba It is a fairly common condition that affects both children and adults. It is characterized by the development of scaly, white patches that can appear on the face and other parts of the body. Tinea Versicolor It is a fungal infection that causes small, white, or brown patches on the skin, particularly on the chest and back. Post-Inflammatory Hypopigmentation A condition where the …

September 11, 2024

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