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Treat White Spot on Skin Through Ayurveda

White Spot Treatment Ayurveda

White spots on the skin are quite discerning as they divert attention advertently and make oneself uncomfortably adorn an oblivious appearance.  These spots generally cause when there is a dearth in melanocyte production or melanins that give color to the skin.

White spots can be bifurcated into different segments like tinea versicolor, vitiligo, lichen sclerosis et al.  The most common cause of skin depigmentation is an autoimmune syndrome wherein healthy melanocyte cells are classified by the body as intruders and destroyed.  This makes for vitiligo.

In Tinea versicolor, the natural yeast found on the skin grows out of control and changes the skin pigmentation.  Factors like hot weather, oily skin, a weakened immune system, hormonal changes and excessive sweating cause this.  Lichensclerosus is a long term condition that usually affects the skin of the genitals.  Hormonal imbalances are suspected.  While in eczema red, itchy and dry skin can be linked to allergies and asthma, it can also trigger pityriasis alba.  Lastly, one more condition that causes small 1 to 10 mm flat white spots is called idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis.  It typically occurs on the arms upper back and face.  Thus, discolored scattered white pigments are of many types but individually, they require selective treatments.

Ayurveda is a renowned herbal science existing since years of successful implementation for centuries.  Ancient Indian civilization embraced Ayurveda in its purest form what is now also shared with some scientific research and therapy based treatments.  Even though there has been constant evolvement of scientific treatment today, but there are at least some diseases and symptoms that don’t find 100% relapse from allopathic therapy.  What makes it more interesting is that it is a totally safe procedure which eradicates the symptoms itself instead of suppressing them by body detoxification and purification.  Then, it has no side effects known to mankind.

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Vitiligo treatment with Kayakalp Global


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25 + years of doctors experience

Conventional Treatment vs Ayurveda

Allopathic therapies try to manage the symptoms and suppress them.  Some methods allow external application like miniature punch grafting to cover white spots or narrowband UVB light therapy is an ideal match for repigmentation.  Oral corticosteroid creams and medicines are also an accepted form.  However, these methods do have their side effects like skin thinning, scar formation from tattooing, or Koebner’s phenomenon.  While Oxsoralen cream can get sunburn, Psoralen photochemotherapy can also give painful aftereffects.


Also Read:- Vitamin Deficiency White Patches On Face: Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes This?

How Ayurveda is beneficial to treat White Spots

Ayurveda believes that white spots are caused as side effects released by toxic body substances, so it adopts a very clean method to render.  It conquers the very important food consumption habits terming them as “virudh aahar sevan”, that is, eating foods opposing nature like eating fish and curd together.  It also cleanses the body by flushing out toxin making agents.  Since vitiligo can be transformed from other conditions like thyroid, diabetes, psoriasis, Ayurveda recognizes white spots or Shwitra exacerbating from Pitta in the body. Pitta is a digestive fire of Ayurveda that eases digestion.  The Bhrajak Pitta of that class gives the skin its color but its imbalance factored as “ama” impairs deeper body tissues ultimately causing depigmentation to the skin.  Managing this condition by the right diet along with herbal medication calm down the Pitta and release ama from the body.

Ayurveda also uses herbal extracts that clean the intestinal track of mucus so that food goes easily to the stomach and is absorbed without toxicity but with good protein absorption.  Applying external and internal medications and disciplined exercise can get rid of white spots by Ayurveda.  Foods rich in Vitamin B12, folic acids and copper also cease white spots from reappearing.  Ayurveda boosts up Vata, being the energy factor purifies the body.  Ayurvedic extracts of Cassia Fistula, Psorlia Cordifolia and Piper Longum  stimulate pigment growth.

While yoga is an integral part of Ayurvedic culture to rejuvenate cell growth and cleans blood flow in the body, a disciplined lifestyle standard and clean food consumption are strictly professed.

Also Read:- Does Vitiligo Increase With Age?

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can Ayurveda cure white patches?

Ayurvedic treatment for white spots on skin is considered one of the most effective treatment routes because it addresses the root cause and treats and heals the condition from within.

If you want to opt for natural ways to heal their complications and eliminate the appearance of white patches on the skin, Ayurveda is undoubtedly a great option.

Ayurveda approaches the treatment of white patches holistically and focuses on balancing the body’s doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), improving digestion, and purifying the blood.

The treatment option involving Ayurveda is also prescribed with relevant dietary changes, herbal remedies and lifestyle and stress management for optimal results.

  1. How long does Ayurvedic treatment take to show results for white spots on the skin?

Estimating an exact timeline for the effectiveness of ayurvedic treatment for white spots on skin is not always possible since every patient’s issues are subjective.

The treatment typically depends on the severity of the condition and the kind of physical well-being of the patient. The root cause contributing to the appearance of white spots on the skin also determines how long the treatment will take.

Patient’s adherence to the treatment also contributes to the effectiveness of the treatment and determines the duration after which the patient starts seeing improvements. On average, our patients at Kayakalp Global have started noticing favourable results within 8-12 weeks, which is amazing.

  1. Is Ayurvedic treatment safe for white spots on the skin?

If you are considering undergoing white spots Ayurvedic treatment, you can be assured that it is 100% safe. However, we also prioritise certain safety measures:

  • Ensure that the treatment or prescription is being given by a qualified professional.
  • Ensure that the treatment is administered after thoroughly examining the patient’s medical history.
  • Ensure that the treatment is being offered after a comprehensive and holistic diagnosis.

These factors determine the safety of the white spot treatment in Ayurveda. If you have been concerned about the safety of the treatment, we urge you to have an open discussion with your healthcare provider before starting the treatment.

  1. Are there any dietary restrictions for individuals with white spots in Ayurveda?

Ayurveda emphasises the consumption of a balanced diet when undergoing white spots Ayurvedic treatment.

Depending on the root cause, there might be certain dietary restrictions that your doctor will suggest to you. This kind of treatment also focuses on “virudh aahar sevan”, which means avoiding opposing foods, like fish and curd.

Our specialists at Kayakalp Global prioritise giving the patients a rundown of an ideal dietary plan throughout the treatment to optimise the results and promote recovery.

Ayurveda also focuses on the fact that Pitta, or the digestive fire in the body, could be a factor that exacerbates the prospect of white spots on the body, which is why ensuring proper regulation of one’s digestion is crucial to reduce the risks of further spread of white spots.

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