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World Vitiligo Day – 2023

World Vitiligo Day 2023

Vitiligo has a global prevalence where close to 0.5-2% of the world’s population suffers from it. While the percentage may be less and it might look like lesser in comparison to other diseases, it is the harsh reality of the lives of millions of people across the globe.

June 25 is thus celebrated as “World Vitiligo Day” to raise awareness, prioritize open discussions and eradicate the social stigma surrounding this chronic skin and autoimmune disorder that affects millions of people not just physically but mentally, emotionally as well as socially.

In a world where suffering is an integral part of our lives, days like World Vitiligo Day are an annual reminder to be kind to every person, irrespective of their appearance, well-being, or social status.

According to the reports, the first World Vitiligo Day was celebrated in 2011 by non-profit organizations VR Foundation (USA) and VITSAF (Nigeria) with an aim to publicize the disease so that it is normalized in society and the stigma is reduced over time.

This year in 2023, World Vitiligo Day will be observed on June 25, and at Kayakalp Global, we are actively working towards eradicating the social stigma that is tied to this disease to ensure that no person in this world struggling with vitiligo feels alienated.

More on World Vitiligo Day, its significance, and Kayakalp Global’s objective towards this disorder will be discussed at length in this article.

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What are the Theme and Slogan of World Vitiligo Day 2023?

It’s fascinating to hear that Kazakhstan will be hosting the campaign at its headquarters for World Vitiligo Day 2023 under the guidance of Dr. Aliya Kassymkhanova. Hosting the campaign at the headquarters provides an excellent opportunity for the country to contribute to raising awareness about vitiligo and promoting a better understanding of the condition.

With the theme “Vitiligo: Looking into the Future,” it suggests a forward-thinking approach to addressing the challenges and opportunities surrounding vitiligo. This theme may emphasize exploring advancements in research, treatment options, and support systems for individuals with vitiligo.

This feels like a step in the right direction for prompting Vitiligo patients to treat every day as an opportunity instead of waking up each morning with dread. That’s the motto of Kayakalp Global with Vitiligo disease as well.

Last year, the theme of World Vitiligo Day was “Learning to Live with Vitiligo,” wherein different programs and campaigns highlighted the importance of embracing life with a skin disorder instead of letting the condition break down the individual’s self-esteem and quality of life. The theme aimed to promote self-acceptance, resilience, and empowerment among individuals with vitiligo.

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What is the History of World Vitiligo Day?

When it comes to awareness, vitiligo is already a very concealed and misunderstood condition. The lack of transparent and open conversations surrounding the disease often muddles several patients’ experiences with the disorder throughout their life.

This prompted two non-profit organizations VR Foundation (USA) and VITSAF (Nigeria) to start observing June 25 as “World Vitiligo Day” to raise awareness surrounding Vitiligo Skin Disease Treatment and how it affects people’s lives globally.

Now, many people might have a common question in mind, “Why June 25?”

Choosing June 25 holds significance as a memorial to the late musical artist Michael Jackson, who publicly shared his experience of living with vitiligo. Michael Jackson, known for his contributions to the music industry, disclosed his vitiligo diagnosis, which he experienced from the early 1980s until his death on June 25, 2009.

The choice of June 25th as World Vitiligo Day serves as a way to honor Michael Jackson’s impact in raising awareness about vitiligo. His openness about his condition helped shed light on the challenges faced by individuals with vitiligo and contributed to reducing the stigma surrounding the condition.

Besides raising awareness, the purpose of organizing an annual “World Vitiligo Day” globally is to get this specifically and formally recognized by the United Nations so that open communication, awareness, and education surrounding the condition reaches a wider audience across the globe.

Vitiligo treatment with Kayakalp Global


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25 + years of doctors experience

Vitiligo treatment with Kayakalp Global


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Most Affordable Treatment


1,00,000 + Happy Patients


FSSAI Approved


Treatment at Home


25 + years of doctors experience

| Related: Is Vitiligo Related to Hereditary Or is It Genetic |

Leading Indian Organization that is Destigmatizing Vitiligo

We live in a world where more than physical alterations, vitiligo patients struggle with the psychological burden of the disease.

Indian Vitiligo Association is a pioneer in revolutionizing the way people deal with vitiligo and normalizing it in our day-to-day lives. The organization’s core values – Accountability, Innovation, and Harmony is focused on making vitiligo treatment affordable and collaborating with NGOs to make treatment and patient education more accessible.

Not only has the organization worked with thousands of vitiligo patients pan India, but they have also helped patients get treatment reimbursements, raised better awareness surrounding the disease in the community, prompted patient support and even partnered with medical institutions and doctors.

With a mission to eradicate prejudice surrounding vitiligo, normalizing it, and enabling patients to lead a more comfortable life, Indian Vitiligo Association is doing extensive work not just on World Vitiligo Day but year around. That’s one of the main reasons they deserve recognition, especially on this day.

Kayakalp Global is proud to be associated with Indian Vitiligo Association, as a partner in the mission to destigmatize vitiligo in the country.

| Related: Early Stages of Vitiligo: Steps to Cure |

Understanding Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a chronic and progressive skin condition, where the skin starts to lose its color and pigmentation, leading to uneven skin tone and white patches on the skin.

The condition leads to the formation of macules (less than 1 cm wide) or patches (more than 1 cm wide) on the skin, which leads to a series of physical and emotional challenges for the patient suffering from the disorder.

Vitiligo is a type of autoimmune disorder, where the body’s immune system attacks the melanin-producing melanocytes in the skin, which leads to eventual discoloration. Although the condition is more “visible” in individuals with darker skin tones, vitiligo skin disease can affect anyone, irrespective of age, race, or sex.

Individuals with pre-existing autoimmune disorders are often at heightened risk of suffering from vitiligo. The spread of the white patches is gradual and typically starts on the hands, forearms, feet, face, etc., and spread to the rest of the body.

Furthermore, there are different types of vitiligo, including:

  • Generalized
  • Segmental
  • Mucosal
  • Focal
  • Trichome
  • Universal

Not only does the condition lead to the appearance of white patches and macules on the skin, but the condition also leads to discoloration of the hair, which might turn gray, silver, or white.

Besides autoimmune conditions, vitiligo can also occur via:

Genetic changes – Mutations that directly target the melanocyte function in the body.

Stress – Emotional or physical stress (especially after a trauma) can alter the melanocyte function in the body.

Environmental triggers – Exposure to UV radiation and toxic chemical exposure are two of the other factors that lead to altered melanocyte cell function.

With the lack of awareness that’s prevalent surrounding vitiligo, observing a day like World Vitiligo Day is the need of the hour. Not only does it leave a global impact and incite more discussions surrounding the condition, but it also helps vitiligo patients understand that they aren’t alone in this battle.

| Related: 7 Things You Should Know About Vitiligo |

How is Kayakalp Global Transforming the Face of Vitiligo Treatment in India?

Kayakalp Global is a center of excellence, offering access to the best vitiligo treatment in India. In a country where the societal stigma surrounding vitiligo and several other skin disorders is heightened, our objective at Kayakalp Global is to:

  • Streamline open conversations
  • Prioritize patient education
  • Offer accessible and affordable treatment
  • Promote personalized treatment
  • Pay attention to the emotional stress that comes with vitiligo

Following are a few ways our specialists at Kayakalp Global are making vitiligo medicine and treatment more mainstream:

Integrated treatment approach

Our combined treatment involves the power of Allopathy and Ayurveda to address the underlying cause and trigger and re-pigment the patient’s skin for a more uniform and natural skin tone.

Personalized treatment approach

Vitiligo affects different patients differently. This is another aspect we take seriously at Kayakalp Global. Every patient’s concern is addressed with optimum care and in a safe and non-judgemental zone to ensure optimal comfort for the patient.

In-house formulated medicines

As we mentioned, we prioritize using an integrated treatment approach for Vitiligo at Kayakalp Global. All of our medications are formulated in-house with top-quality and clinically-proven elements to drive effective and satisfactory results.

Accessible treatment

Besides in-person consultation, we also offer accessible teleconsultation services at Kayakalp Global because we believe that no patient’s treatment should be affected due to geography. Following a comprehensive teleconsultation, our specialists formulate and prescribe relevant medications that address the underlying cause while helping re-pigment the white spots on the skin. We also offer doorstep delivery of the medications for heightened accessibility.

Promoting patient education

Due to the lack of awareness surrounding vitiligo, it isn’t surprising that several patients that we encounter on a daily basis often consider this as the end of their quality of life. Our aim at Kayakalp Global is to educate the patient and their family to normalize the condition and give hope to the patient so they can live a happy and fulfilling life.

This year on World Vitiligo Day, our pledge at Kayakalp Global is to continue our journey towards helping patients pan India and internationally and eradicate the social stigma surrounding Vitiligo in the world.

If you or someone you know is suffering from Vitiligo, kindly consider medical interventions and effective treatment options at Kayakalp Global. Contrary to popular belief, Vitiligo is treatable with the right approach and expertise. Your vitiligo diagnosis doesn’t have to be the end of the road. Instead, treat it as a speed breaker for a smoother road (life) ahead.

And, before we depart, let’s come together and celebrate “World Vitiligo Day 2023” on June 25, with enthusiasm, fervor, and new hope in our minds.


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