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Successful Vitiligo Treatment in Delhi

Vitiligo Treatment in Delhi

Earlier it was a big challenge for every Institutions/hospital’s doctors & research team that vitiligo, could not be waved off completely. There were some of possibilities to stop its impact on entire body but complete vitiligo treatment in India, was not available. Now KayaKalp Global has proven that by Micro pigmentation & Tattooing (Especially on …

The Kayakalp Global team discovered that those treated with a modified Micro Pigmentation with medicines that helps to recover their skin, as well as their eyelashes. The compound also appeared to restore original hair colour among people with grey hair, tattooing especially for the lips and other soft skin of the body.

Before we discuss more about the procedure and treatment plan with Kayakalp Global we should know about Vitiligo, its types & Causes.

Vitiligo that is the pigmentary disorder that causes the loss of skin colour. The rate of skin shading from vitiligo is inconstant. It can impact on the skin anywhere at our body. It may moreover impact hair, inside of the mouth and even on the eyes. Vitiligo is a disease that causes the loss of skin colour in blotches. Generally there is two types of Vitiligo; Segmental vitiligo and Non-segmental vitiligo and it is not a contagious disease.

Types of Vitiligo that has been described by scientists:

Scientists have separated vitiligo into two types:-

  1. Segmental vitiligo
  2. Non-segmental

Segmental vitiligo – The Segmental Vitiligo spreads very rapidly but it is considered more constant and stable than non-segmental Vitiligo. It is much less common and affects only about 10% of people with vitiligo. Segmental vitiligo is more noticeable in early age groups, affecting about 30% of children diagnosed with segmental vitiligo.

Non-segmental vitiligo – that is the most common type of vitiligo and occurs in up to 80% of people who have the disorder. Usually in non-segmental vitiligo, patches appears equally on both sides of the body and also with some measure of regularity. The symmetrical patches most commonly appear on skin that is exposed daily to the sun, such as the face, neck and hands, but can also appear in other areas:

  • Knees
  • Elbows
  • Feet
  • Mouth
  • Backs of the hands
  • Arms
  • Eyes

Non-segmental vitiligo is further described into sub-categories:

  • Generalized vitiligo: no specific area or size of patches, this is the most common type
  • Acrofacial vitiligo: mostly on the fingers or toes
  • Mucosal vitiligo: depigmentation generally appears around the mucous membranes and lips
  • Universal vitiligo: depigmentation covers most of the body, this is very rare
  • Focal vitiligo: one, or a few, scattered white patches in a discrete area. Most often occurs in young children.

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Causes of Vitiligo

Noticeable, the causes of vitiligo are yet to be precisely established, but most of the research so far points to the following: –

  • Genetic oxidative stress imbalance
  • A stressful event
  • Harm to the skin due to a critical sunburn or cut
  • Exposure to some chemicals
  • A neural cause
  • Heredity – family link
  • A viral cause

To discuss about Kayakalp Global treatment for the vitiligo, we can talk over the recent case of a 21-year young boy came here to get vitiligo treatment with lots of patches over his anterior face form last 10 years. He was treated with oral methylprednisolone pulse therapy, psoralen and phototherapy regularly from last 3 years in different-different medical institutions. At the end of his treatment, he did not achieve significant repigmentation on the white circles over his mouth.

When Kayakalp Global expert team started treatment, through medication and micro pigmentation over his face, within six month the positive result that has been recovered in this case, one can see clearly over his picture.

(The results in this image are achieved with integrated medicine and micro pigmentation)

Before we discuss about Vitiligo treatment in ayurveda with Kayakalp Global, it is mandatory to tell you about the Micro Pigmentation & tattooing treatment procedure because above mentioned case which has been discussed, that is the result of Micro Pigmentation & Tattooing (The modern procedure which has been chosen specially for lips) so let’s try to know little bit about Micro Pigmentation & Tattooing.

Micropigmentation for Vitiligo

Micropigmentation is a technique in which metabolically inert pigment granules are implanted below the epidermis for cosmetic or corrective enhancement. Commonly, three to five treatments are necessary. The process can be performed in a doctor’s office in less than three hours. Topical anaesthetics are applied to keep the patient comfortable during the procedure. Pigments are individually mixed to match the patient’s skin. Results can be seen immediately, though full end results are not apparent for about three weeks. Micro pigmentation can be used to achieve soft and natural results and restore confidence to your overall appearance. It can be applied with good effect to the eyebrows, eyeliner and lips.

Tattooing at Vitiligo Effected part of the Body

Decorative tattoos have been part of human history and culture for thousands of years. In recent years, they have gained increased popularity and social acceptance. Professional tattoos are created as the tattoo artist uses a needle or a tattoo gun to inject pigment of various colours. Now that has been utilized for lip Vitiligo treatment as well. Using a surgical instrument, the pigment is implanted into the skin. It works best around the lips, especially in people with darker skin. Drawbacks can include difficulty matching the colour of skin and the fact that tattoos fade but do not tan. Sometimes, skin damage caused by tattooing might spark the generation of another patch of vitiligo.

Vitiligo treatment with Kayakalp Global


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25 + years of doctors experience

Vitiligo treatment with Kayakalp Global


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Most Affordable Treatment


1,00,000 + Happy Patients


FSSAI Approved


Treatment at Home


25 + years of doctors experience


The affected area was covered with medication & Micropigmentation and Betadine followed by normal saline. Apart from it tattooing for the lips and in other cases sometime we also do surgically treatment, in that cases we use a 26-gauge sterile hypodermic needle to make multiple superficial punctures over the achromic patches to cause minute pin point bleeding at the site of penetration and a thin layer of 5% 5 fluorouracil cream.

The procedure of the treatment took six month of time and result was totally surprising for the patient family, they have been roaming hare and there for the treatment but now they are happy with kayakalp global treatment with low budget, also their son has got engaged.

Evaluation of the treatment

Objective evaluation was made with pre-and post-treatment clinical photographs. Patients also assessed the percentage of repigmentation achieved on subjective assessment scale of 0-4 (0: no improvement; 1: 1-25% improvement; 2: 26-50% improvement; 3: 51-75% improvement; 4: 76-100% improvement).


Patients reported subjective increase in pigmentation over the vitiligo patches after three sessions of the procedure which was confirmed with objective findings. At the end of six months, patients had more than 100% improvement and were highly satisfied with the treatment. It was the first case (21 years old boy) had the maximum improvement which could be a possibility that this mode of vitiligo treatment in Delhi, might have best outcome in younger individuals and it needs to be further evaluated.


The efficacy of the Micro Pigmentation & Tattooing with respect to repigmentation of vitiligo patches is satisfactory in many patients. The advantages of the kayakalp Global procedure are that it is safe, simple at low cost and can be done for any age of patient.

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