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10 Myths & Facts of Vitiligo you Should Know

Vitiligo Myths & Facts

Vitiligo is a very misunderstood disease, and the main reason behind that is misinformation that’s available on the internet. Half-baked information often makes patients suffer in silence, which is exactly what Kayakalp Global is working to eradicate.

Despite affecting millions of people worldwide, Vitiligo is muddled with many myths and misconceptions. Vitiligo is an autoimmune skin disorder that affects the skin’s pigmentation due to the destruction of the melanocytes, which are responsible for the production of melanin that gives us our characteristic skin tone.

With the lack of information and education that prevails surrounding Vitiligo, it isn’t surprising that people are often not just confused about the disorder but also don’t have their facts correct. At Kayakalp Global, we prioritize educating the patient and their family during the consultation process.

This article will explore the top 10 myths and facts about vitiligo that you should know about.

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Myth 1 – All White Spots are Vitiligo

The appearance of white spots or patches on the skin is often associated with vitiligo. However, what we don’t realize is that there are other conditions that also cause white spots on the skin as a symptom.

There are three different conditions that lead to the appearance of white spots on the skin which are often confused with vitiligo. These disorders include:

Tinea Versicolor – Tinea versicolor is a common fungal infection that affects the skin. It is caused by an overgrowth of yeast on the skin’s surface, resulting in discolored patches of skin.

Tinea Alba – Tinea alba is a skin condition that affects mainly children and young adults. It is characterized by white or hypopigmented (lighter than the surrounding skin) patches on the face, neck, and other areas of the body.

Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis – Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis (IGH) is a common skin condition that causes small, white, or hypopigmented spots on sun-exposed areas the skin, such as the arms and legs.

All these diseases or conditions often lead to the appearance of white spots on the skin, mimicking the appearance of vitiligo, but the treatment options are very different.

Myth 2 – Only Dark-Skinned People Have Vitiligo

Surprisingly, that’s not the truth at all. In fact, vitiligo can affect anyone, irrespective of age, race or gender. The condition isn’t limited to people with dark skin.

It is crucial that we dispel the myth that vitiligo ONLY affects dark-skinned people because that is not the truth at all. However, it is true that the appearance of vitiligo is a lot more pronounced and visible in people with dark skin than with light skin tones.

That said, if you are noticing the appearance of white spots on the skin, we advise people at Kayakalp Global to seek medical attention for quicker recovery.

Myth 3 – Vitiligo is Related to Skin Cancer, Leprosy, Albinism, etc.

Another one of the most pronounced vitiligo myths is thinking that this autoimmune disorder has a correlation with other skin-related issues like skin cancer, leprosy, or albinism.

There is no scientific evidence that establishes any connection between any of these skin disorders. Vitiligo is an independent skin disorder that occurs when the body’s immune system produces antibodies against the melanocytes, destroying them in the process.

Damaged melanocytes lead to issues with melanin production in parts of the skin, which causes depigmentation and the appearance of white patches.

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Vitiligo treatment with Kayakalp Global


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Myth 4 – Consumption of Certain foods Lead to Vitiligo

There were potent misconceptions surrounding vitiligo, where people believed that consumption of certain food groups led to the incidence of vitiligo.

For example, eating citrus fruits or consuming milk right after consuming seafood was touted to be a triggering factor. However, over the years, as medical science has improved and advanced, research has confirmed that there is no truth to these statements.

There is no evidence available in modern medicine that confirms that diet has any impact on the condition of vitiligo or contributes to its further deterioration of it. However, ancient Ayurvedic texts do mention the role of wrong food combinations in the onset of skin conditions such as Vitiligo. At Kayakalp Global, we found out that diet plays a 5% role in the treatment of Vitiligo

Myth 5 – Vitiligo is Contagious

Another one of the biggest myths surrounding vitiligo is people think that it is contagious, which is far from the truth.

If you know what causes vitiligo, you’d probably know it is an autoimmune disorder. The white patches that appear on the skin are due to the antibodies attacking the melanocytes.

It is not a contagious or communicable disease that can spread from one person to the other. Additionally, it cannot be transmitted via touch, sexual activities, inhalation, blood transfusion, etc.

One of the main reasons why people have this misconception is due to the lack of awareness surrounding the condition. Hence, our mission at Kayakalp Global is to make discussions surrounding vitiligo more open and transparent.


Myth 6 – Vitiligo only Affects the Exposed Parts of the Skin

When we come across patients with vitiligo, we often witness the white patches appear on their hands, legs, face, etc., which leads to the belief that vitiligo affects only the exposed parts of the skin.

This is another common myth that needs to be busted. While it is common for vitiligo patches to appear on the “visible parts” of the body like hands, feet, lips, fingers, etc., it can also appear in the covered or hidden parts of the body, including armpits, genitals, eyes, torso, etc.

The spread of vitiligo in the body varies from patient to patient. While some have fewer white patches on the skin, some patients have their entire bodies covered in white patches.

Myth 7 – Vitiligo is Very Hard to Diagnose

Vitiligo diagnosis is pretty straightforward. At Kayakalp Global, our team of doctors conducts a thorough analysis of the skin lesions to reach a conclusive diagnosis.

Some of the common symptoms that confirm a vitiligo diagnosis include:

  • Hypopigmented patches on the skin
  • Non-scaly skin texture around the patches
  • Chalky white macules with distinct margins
  • Distribution pattern of the white patches

Depending on these signs, and further testing, our team at Kayakalp Global can streamline an easy diagnosis without any hassle. So, it is safe to say that vitiligo diagnosis isn’t complicated at all.

Myth 8 – Vitiligo Self-Heals

Vitiligo, as we mentioned before, is an autoimmune disorder. While the condition can become stable for some patients at one point in life, it does not heal by itself.

Treatment for vitiligo is a multi-step process. It starts with a thorough evaluation, followed by a tailored treatment plan to re-pigment the areas with white patches.

Our team of doctors at Kayakalp Global has mastered the art of re-pigmentation with a combination of Ayurvedic and Allopathy medications for maximum recovery and desired results.

Myth 9 – Vitiligo patients are Impaired with other Physical or Mental Disabilities

Vitiligo isn’t responsible for altering a patient’s physical or mental capabilities. However, there is evidence that indicates that some vitiligo patients often struggle with other autoimmune disorders too.

However, that doesn’t necessarily mean vitiligo patients are impaired or incapable. They are normal and energetic individuals leading a standard course of life.

Myth 10 – Sun damage Causes Vitiligo

Vitiligo isn’t caused by sun damage or exposure to UV rays. In fact, the main trigger behind this disease lies inside the patient’s body – their immune system.

Since it is an autoimmune disorder, the antibodies produced by the immune system directly target the melanocytes, destroying them in the process. The lack of melanin production in the body leads to depigmentation and discoloration on the skin.

No evidence correlates sun exposure being a cause of vitiligo. However, it is true that people with Vitiligo are advised to take precautions to avoid excess sun exposure since that can lead to sunburn and skin damage.

Watch this video by one of our leading specialists at Kayakalp Global to get further insights into the myths and facts surrounding Vitiligo.


That concludes all the common myths surrounding Vitiligo that we have potentially been taken for a fact. We have come a lot way in the field of Ayurveda and medical science to dispel these myths and instead give a factual explanation to these common misconceptions.

If you are struggling with the symptoms of Vitiligo or don’t have much awareness surrounding the condition, kindly reach out to us at Kayakalp Global. Our team of specialists will be happy to guide you in the right direction.

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