Head Office: Delhi/NCR | Other Branches: Lucknow

June 6, 2024

The management of vitiligo symptoms and maintenance of general skin health are significantly influenced by diet. Antioxidants and other foods can encourage pigmentation and improve how well treatments work. The advancement of vitiligo is thought to be aided by inflammation and oxidative stress, which may be reduced by including the correct foods in your diet. In addition to providing the greatest vitiligo treatment, Kayakalp Global also gives professional advice on nutrition and food for a speedy recovery. Their all-encompassing strategy guarantees that patients receive thorough treatment, taking into account both the nutritional and physical elements of managing vitiligo. Significance of Diet in Vitiligo Treatment The treatment of vitiligo signs and the course of the disorder can be greatly influenced by dietary decisions. Although nutrition cannot reverse vitiligo on its own, it can improve the general health of the skin and perhaps promote repigmentation. Rich in minerals and antioxidants, some foods support skin integrity and lower oxidative damage, which is thought to be a factor in vitiligo. Vitamins A, C, D, and E are among the nutrients that are vital for healthy skin. Vitamin C supports the synthesis of collagen and guards against UV-induced damage, while vitamin A aids in the creation and repair of skin cells. Vitamin E functions as a potent antioxidant that shields skin cells from oxidative damage, and vitamin D is essential for immune system control and may have an impact on melanocyte activity. Furthermore, the synthesis and operation of melanin, a pigment that gives skin its …

Complete Diet Tips Plan for Vitiligo Patients
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Dr. Joanna Sharp
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I enjoy getting to know my patients and building meaningful relationships. I understand that…

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Doctors at Kayakalp Global understand that every patient is Unique.

Treatment is tailor made for you based on your disease and medical history.


Dr. Dhawan, B.A.M.S


Dr. Suman, B.A.M.S


Dr. Mini Vohra, MS


Dr. Munish Paul, MD

Vitiligo surgeon

Dr. Samyak Dhawan

MBBS Consultant

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