HLA-B27 Test Psoriatic Arthritis: Normal Range, Procedure, Cost

HLA-B27 Test Psoriatic Arthritis Normal Range, Procedure, Cost

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) usually presents with mild early warning signals that are difficult to identify. You feel a bit more worn out than normal. Your joints hurt and feel stiff even with little to no exertion. There are a few peculiar scaly skin spots on your skin. This is the situation in which your Kayakalp …

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) usually presents with mild early warning signals that are difficult to identify. You feel a bit more worn out than normal. Your joints hurt and feel stiff even with little to no exertion. There are a few peculiar scaly skin spots on your skin. This is the situation in which your Kayakalp specialists could advise you to get the HLA-B27 test to determine the right treatment course.

To diagnose and treat autoimmune diseases like psoriatic arthritis, HLA-B27 testing is essential.

Treatment choices for psoriatic arthritis can be guided by the presence of HLA-B27, which can also assist in distinguishing it from other kinds of arthritis. This thorough guide describes the usual range, technique, and related expenses for the HLA-B27 test and examines its importance in psoriatic arthritis. At Kayakalp Global, we stress the value of precise diagnosis and customized therapy regimens for the best possible care of psoriatic arthritis.

What is HLA-B27?

White blood cells have a protein on their surface called HLA-B27. Due to its ability to assist the body in differentiating between its cells and external invaders, it plays a vital function in the immune system. HLA-B27 has been linked in certain individuals to a higher risk of autoimmune diseases, such as psoriatic arthritis.

An HLA B27 test may be prescribed by a physician to track the extent of an autoimmune disease’s progression within the body. The existence of this protein has been connected to some autoimmune and immune-mediated issues, including:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis – The disease responsible for the inflammation in the spine’s bones is called
  • Reactive arthritis – induces inflammation in the urethra, eyes, and joints. Additionally, it could result in skin sores.
  • Anterior Uveitis: It can irritate and cause swelling in the eyes.

HLA-B27’s Role in Immune Diseases

The genetic marker HLA-B27 can make people more likely to develop autoimmune diseases. Although it is not the primary cause of many illnesses, it is closely linked to their progression. When HLA-B27 is present, the immune system may react abnormally, attacking the body’s tissues by mistake, resulting in inflammation and injury.

HLA-B27 is not always present in patients with psoriatic arthritis, although it can offer important diagnostic data. Its existence facilitates the differentiation of related autoimmune disorders and helps set apart psoriatic arthritis from other types of arthritis.

The Value of Psoriatic Arthritis Early Diagnosis

Some psoriasis sufferers also have psoriatic arthritis, a chronic autoimmune condition. It can cause extreme agony and incapacity if left untreated. It is characterized by discomfort in the joints, swelling, and stiffness. Joint discomfort, edema, stiffness, and decreased range of motion are typical symptoms. A family history of arthritis or psoriasis, some genetic indicators, obesity, and smoking are risk factors.

Improving long-term results and avoiding irreparable joint damage need early detection of psoriatic arthritis. Early detection of the condition enables prompt treatment, which can greatly lower discomfort, inflammation, and the chance of developing joint abnormalities.

Early intervention reduces the risk of consequences including cardiovascular disorders, which are frequently linked to psoriatic arthritis, preserves joint function, and improves quality of life. A prompt diagnosis also makes it easier to create a customized treatment plan, allowing medical professionals to design treatments that are most effective for the patient’s particular illness.

An important step in the early diagnosis phase is the HLA-B27 test. Healthcare providers can improve patient outcomes by better understanding the disease’s course and implementing appropriate treatment techniques earlier by detecting genetic factors such as the existence of HLA-B27.

Objectives and Importance Of The HLA-B27 Test

The HLA-B27 test finds out if the blood contains the HLA-B27 protein. It serves as a diagnostic tool for autoimmune diseases, helps distinguish between different kinds of arthritis, and directs medical options. The test assists in determining the genetic marker linked to a higher chance of developing diseases such as psoriatic arthritis.

Although HLA-B27 is not always found in psoriatic arthritis, it might be useful in identifying overlapping autoimmune illnesses or in ruling out other diagnoses. As a component of the diagnostic procedure, the test offers important data that aids in precise diagnosis and efficient treatment planning.

Normal HLA-B27 Range

Typically, the HLA-B27 test result is given as either positive or negative. A negative result indicates the absence of the HLA-B27 protein, which is regarded as normal. If the test is positive, HLA-B27 is present, which suggests a higher chance of developing autoimmune disorders. It’s crucial to understand that a negative result on the HLAB27 test does not rule out the possibility of an autoimmune disease.

Based on your symptoms and the findings of your tests, your doctor will determine a definitive diagnosis. If necessary, he may prescribe more tests. A positive test result means that your blood contains HLA-B27. A positive HLA-B27 test might aid in the diagnosis of spondyloarthritis if you exhibit symptoms or indicators of the condition. However, the presence of HLA-B27 in some normal people doesn’t necessarily indicate an illness.

Analysis of the Findings

Negative HLA-B27

This is regarded as normal and suggests that there is no elevated hereditary susceptibility to certain autoimmune disorders.

Positive HLA-B27

This indicates a hereditary propensity for autoimmune diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, and others.

Not everyone who receives positive results, nevertheless, will experience these symptoms. The existence of HLA-B27 can assist in directing additional diagnostic assessments and providing treatment customized to the patient’s unique circumstances.

Testing Procedure

There is no specific preparation required for the HLA-B27 exam. Any medications used should be disclosed to the patient’s healthcare professional since certain medications might alter test findings.

The HLA-B27 test requires a straightforward blood sample. A blood sample will be taken by a medical expert, generally from an arm vein. It takes only a couple of minutes and is a rather pleasant process.

Following the blood draw, patients may have mild soreness or bruises where the puncture was made. After that, the blood sample is submitted to a lab for examination; the findings are usually ready a few days later. A follow-up meeting may be arranged to talk over the findings.

Psoriatic Arthritis and HLA-B27 Test

For individuals with psoriatic arthritis, the HLA-B27 test is useful in determining their genetic susceptibility to autoimmune activity. Even if it’s not always raised, the existence of HLA-B27 might give further information on the pathophysiology of the disease.

The test results help create a thorough treatment plan when they are paired with clinical assessment and other diagnostic testing. They could suggest that particular drugs or treatments are required to properly control symptoms.

HLA-B27 positive in psoriatic arthritis varies, however understanding these variations helps with proper diagnosis and management of the illness.

HLA-B27 Test Cost

The area and healthcare institution might have an impact on the price of the HLA-B27 test. The total cost is influenced by several factors, including extra diagnostic tests, laboratory expenses, and healthcare provider charges.

The HLA-B27 test typically costs between INR 1,000 and INR 3,000 in India. Depending on the precise area and medical institution, the cost might be greater or cheaper.

Additional Psoriatic Arthritis Testing

To diagnose psoriatic arthritis and determine the severity of the condition, further testing could be necessary. Among these tests are:

  • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
  • C-reactive protein (CRP)
  • Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide, or Anti-CCP
  • Imaging tests including MRIs, ultrasounds, and X-rays
  • Blood Examinations such as complete blood counts (CBCs) and liver function tests

Psoriatic Arthritis Management & Treatment by Kayakalp Global Experts

Treatment for Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) at Kayakalp Global combines conventional Ayurvedic medicine with contemporary techniques for a comprehensive approach. Customized Ayurvedic treatments like Niruha Vasti, Swedana, and Snehapana aim to cleanse the body and relieve joint and skin complaints. By addressing the underlying causes of PsA, these therapies seek to enhance general well-being.

The emphasis is on nutritional and lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress-reduction methods like meditation and yoga. Patients are urged to abstain from smoking, drinking, and other habits that might exacerbate symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

To properly manage inflammation and pain, the integrated method also integrates contemporary tests and pharmaceuticals. Physical therapy and acupuncture are examples of complementary treatments that are used to improve joint function and lessen pain.

Kayakalp Global offers ongoing assistance and direction to guarantee that patients follow their treatment regimens. Their goal is to enhance the entire quality of life of people with Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) by reducing symptoms, promoting natural healing processes, and improving patient outcomes through the integration of multiple therapy modalities. Their knowledge of both Ayurveda and contemporary medicine guarantees complete care catered to each patient’s needs.

Psoriatic Arthritis Test & Frequency

Psoriatic Arthritis Test Frequency
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: X-Ray Annually
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: MRI Every 2 Years
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Quarterly
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: C-Reactive Protein Quarterly
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: Rheumatoid Factor Annually
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Test Annually
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: HLA-B27 Once (if indicated)
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: Complete Blood Count (CBC) Every 6 Months
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: Tuberculosis Test Annually (if on immunosuppressants)
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: Chest X-Ray Annually
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: Serum Uric Acid Annually
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: Bone Mineral Density Every 2 Years
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: Anemia Every 6 Months
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: Thyroid Function Tests Annually
Psoriatic Arthritis Test: Skin Biopsy As needed (if skin symptoms change)

Caution Note: The frequency of these tests can vary based on individual patient conditions and physician recommendations. Regular follow-ups with a healthcare provider are essential to determine the appropriate testing schedule.


One useful test for the diagnosis and treatment of psoriatic arthritis is the HLA-B27 test. Patients can make more educated decisions regarding their care if they are aware of the test’s typical range, process, and cost. Psoriatic Arthritis can be effectively controlled with the correct strategy, enhancing your general well-being and quality of life.

To ensure the greatest results for our patients, we at Kayakalp Global place a high priority on precise diagnoses and customized treatment regimens. For knowledgeable advice and specialized care to properly manage your psoriatic arthritis, speak with our skilled healthcare specialists.

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