Head Office: Delhi/NCR | Other Branches: Lucknow

June 18, 2024

A BMD test detects the density of minerals in your bones, such as calcium, and may be used to screen for disorders like osteoporosis, which frequently occur with inflammatory conditions like psoriatic arthritis.

Bone Mineral Density Test
June 7, 2024

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) usually presents with mild early warning signals that are difficult to identify. You feel a bit more worn out than normal. Your joints hurt and feel stiff even with little to no exertion. There are a few peculiar scaly skin spots on your skin. This is the situation in which your Kayakalp specialists could advise you to get the HLA-B27 test to determine the right treatment course. To diagnose and treat autoimmune diseases like psoriatic arthritis, HLA-B27 testing is essential. Treatment choices for psoriatic arthritis can be guided by the presence of HLA-B27, which can also assist in distinguishing it from other kinds of arthritis. This thorough guide describes the usual range, technique, and related expenses for the HLA-B27 test and examines its importance in psoriatic arthritis. At Kayakalp Global, we stress the value of precise diagnosis and customized therapy regimens for the best possible care of psoriatic arthritis. What is HLA-B27? White blood cells have a protein on their surface called HLA-B27. Due to its ability to assist the body in differentiating between its cells and external invaders, it plays a vital function in the immune system. HLA-B27 has been linked in certain individuals to a higher risk of autoimmune diseases, such as psoriatic arthritis. An HLA B27 test may be prescribed by a physician to track the extent of an autoimmune disease's progression within the body. The existence of this protein has been connected to some autoimmune and immune-mediated issues, including: Ankylosing spondylitis - The …

HLA-B27 Test Psoriatic Arthritis Normal Range, Procedure, Cost
June 7, 2024

Testing for the rheumatoid factor (RF) is essential for the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases, such as psoriatic arthritis. RF levels serve as a sign of autoimmune activity and inflammation, which helps distinguish between various forms of arthritis and inform therapy choices. This in-depth manual describes the usual range, process, and related expenses as it examines the significance of RF testing in psoriatic arthritis. At Kayakalp Global, we stress the value of a precise diagnosis and individualised treatment plans for the optimal management of psoriatic arthritis. Understanding Rheumatoid Factor (RF) An immune system antibody called rheumatoid factor (RF) attacks healthy tissues, causing swelling and harm to tissues. Increased levels of RF in the blood are frequently linked to autoimmune conditions, namely RA. Nevertheless, RF can also be seen in other autoimmune diseases such as Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) and Sjögren's syndrome. Function in Immune Disorders In autoimmune disorders, the body's own tissues are not recognized by the white blood cells and hence attacked by the immune system, resulting in long-term inflammation and damage to the body. RF contributes to the aberrant response of the immune system, which is a major factor in this process. Although RF is frequently linked to RA, its presence in PsA is less reliable, although it can still yield important diagnostic data. Increased radiofrequency (RF) levels can help identify and differentiate between various forms of arthritis. Although RF levels in PsA may not always be high, they can be used to distinguish the condition from RA …

Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Psoriatic Arthritis Test Normal Range, Procedure, Cost
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