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Use of Babchi Seeds without supervision is dangerous

Bachi Seeds for Vitiligo Treatment

Bakuchi is a plant mentioned in Ayurvedic text books and its uses have been mentioned 4000 years ago. This plant is a native of India, Bangladesh and Srilanka and its uses have been mentioned in treating vitiligo or leucoderma. Seeds are black and are mainly used in treatment for vitiligo.

This have been practice since centuries. patients are advised to sit in sun for some time after using babchi seeds. In most of cases vitiligo skin turns pink after sun exposure after u have used babchi. In most of cases if hair on white patch are black there starts repigmentation and patient is happy and he continue to use batch seeds for long durations without consulting a doctor.

Kayakalp Global Skin Clinic is specialize clinic for treating vitiligo. More than 20 thousand patients suffering from vitiligo has been treated since last 15 years .

Causion Use of Babchi can develop Vision Loss

Babchi or psorlia corylifoliaI contain psorlens in their seeds. In modern days psorlen found in babchi seeds can be prepared in laboratory. This compound is called Methoxsalen and is found in melanocyl tablets which are used for treating vitiligo.

At Kayakalp Global skin clinic we have done clinical studies on patients who are using babchi seeds (psorlins)and or patient who had used melanocyl tablets (methoxsalen) for longer durations. We have found that many patients develop cataract after prolong use of babchi.

When we consume babchi our skin become more sensitive to ultraviolet light from sun. Our skin absorbs more light and this helps in recovery of white patches but problem is that our eyes also start absorbing more light and this is very dangerous and long term use causes cataract.

So psorlia corylifolia or Babchi seeds should be used under guidance of a expert doctor and should not be used as home remedy.

Doses of extract of psorlia is 300mg to 600 mg /day depending upon the weight of patient. Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Vitiligo is available at Kayakp Global skin clinic and you can consult herbal vitiligo specialist at clinic.

External use of babchi seeds is not harmful except in some patients where skin can become very red and itchy and in some cases it can develop blisters. We have observed that treatment should be done under guidance of best vitiligo doctor and results will be fast.

Most of time self medication can give some results but perfect matching repigmentation can be achieved under proper supervisor only. At Kayakalp global we have developed external applications with psorlia, Aloe, Blackpepper and other herbs which act twice as quick as compared to using babchi alone. Other reported side effects of psorlens are Liver toxicity, Skin cancer and other gastric problems so it is advised to be safe than sorry.

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Vitiligo treatment with Kayakalp Global


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Benefits Of Babchi Seeds for Vitiligo

We highlighted some facts about Babchi seeds and their impacts on the body if taken without a doctor’s supervision. It is not meant to villainize this Ayurvedic miracle but to raise awareness.

That said, Babchi seeds are an integral element used in treating Vitiligo. Following are some benefits one can reap with babchi seeds treatment for vitiligo:


Babchi seeds are rich in a compound called psoralen, which is known to stimulate melanin production in the skin. The active compound, psoralen, is believed to react with UV radiation to induce repigmentation in the areas on the skin with white patches. This process is commonly known as photochemotherapy or psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA) therapy.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Another one of the benefits of the babchi seed lies in its anti-inflammatory properties. Since chronic inflammation is a common trigger behind vitiligo, regulating the same with babchi seeds can reduce the risks and impacts of vitiligo on the skin. It also slows down the progression of the disease.

Antioxidant effects

Babchi seeds treatment also reduces oxidative stress in the body, thanks to potent antioxidants like flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and coumarins. This antioxidant activity may help preserve melanocytes and promote repigmentation.

Immunomodulatory effects

When talking about the babchi seeds benefits, their immunomodulatory effects deserve special mention since vitiligo is considered to be an autoimmune disorder. By modulating the immune system, babchi seeds may help reduce the autoimmune attack on melanocytes, potentially slowing down the progression of vitiligo.

Skin nourishment

The last reason babchi seeds treatment is so potent for vitiligo is its skin nourishment properties. It contains proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and fatty acids, all of which are essential nutrients that help maintain the skin’s health in the long run.

It is important to note that while babchi seeds show potential benefits for vitiligo, individual results may vary, and it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating babchi seeds into your treatment plan.

At Kayakalp Global, our specialists consistently emphasize that consuming babchi seeds without medical supervision is not ideal. It can lead to a plethora of complications, including loss of vision. 

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