Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic disease wherein the skin and joints suffer acute inflammation due to combination of psoriasis and inflammatory arthritis.
It can be mild with occasional flare-ups but not uniform0 in every person as some people can have a prolonged case of this disease leading to joint damage if left untreated.
As this condition develops, the skin starts showing red and raised patchy areas followed by acute inflammation with scaling. The condition extends to the elbows, knees, areas behind the ears, scalp and the naval.
Signs can also be seen in genital areas. Although there is no definite aetiology known about its occurrence, the autoimmune response of the body is identified as one of the causes. Hereditary factors like genetics can make the disease inherited by children.
In the United States alone, there is 2% of the Caucasian population affected by psoriatic arthritis.
Psoriatic arthritis tends to develop in those who already suffer from psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis influences the large joints. Joints of the lower extremities get more pain whereas joints of finger and toes, the back, and sacroiliac joints of the pelvis get relatively less pain.
To relieve pain and protect the joints, it is crucial that people maintain regular joint movement, do some lightweight exercises, jogging or walking.
There is no certain way to know who will get Psoriatic arthritis but it is found that approximately 15%-25% of patients who have psoriasis also develop inflammation of their joints. When combined, this condition becomes very painful and long lasting.
Although the onset of Psoriatic arthritis mainly progresses in the 40s to 50s, men and women are equally affected. There is high likelihood (80%) that arthritis will proceed psoriasis. However, arthritis can also precede psoriasis in about 15% of the patients.
Patients with Psoriatic arthritis have trouble identifying the correct disease onset in case they already suffer from arthritis. Psoriasis can recur later in life even after a gap of twenty years. Thus, this condition's trajectory cannot be predicted.
Psoriatic arthritis inhibits free movement of the joints and causes sharp inflammation in body tissues away from the joints other than the skin. Not only joints, but it also affects the eyes, heart, lungs, and kidneys.
There are varying degrees of psoriatic arthritis and the types can be combined with several other arthritic conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis and arthritis with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. There is no telling which organ may be effected.