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Best Vitiligo Treatment in India
Best Vitiligo Treatment in India



February 9, 2025

Psoriasis is a long-term autoimmune disorder that is characterized by the excess multiplication of skin cells leading to the formation of silvery, dry scaly patches on the skin. The disease is notorious for going through cycles of aggravation and suppression.
Psoriasis treatment

Psoriasis Treatment

Steps of treatment (Lowest relapse rate with KAYAKALP)

1. Treatment depends on extent of the disease whether it is present only on the skin or has extended to nails and/or joints.

2. Blood purifying herbs are given as suggested –

  1. Clear toxins from the body
  2. Stop cell division that causes excess skin formation (papdi)
  3. Improve digestion and reduce stress

3.Medicines provided are both internal herbal medicines and external ointments/ oils.


What is Psoriasis ?

Psoriasis is a chronic auto immune skin condition. The disease causes scaly, red patches on the skin that are noncontagious.

The human body grows new skin cells at the lowest skin layer which gradually move up to add to the uppermost layer through the layers underneath. This process takes about 28 days maximum and then the skin flakes die but in Psoriasis, the cycle takes between 2 to 6 days; resulting in faster skin cell development causing thick red crusty patches, which are then shed. The scales are followed by red streaky lines most commonly on the scalp, in the ears, elbows, knees, genitals and buttocks.

Psoriasis Symptons

1. Skin gets covered with thick silvery coats of dry scales.

2. There are red patches and streaks on epidermis surface with small scales, often spots seen commonly in children.

3. Skin ultimately gets dried up and starts to crack eventually leading to bleeding when scratched as it becomes itchy.

4. There is often a burning sensation, soreness or inflammation on the surface.


Psoriasis Cause

There are multiple factors which can cause Psoriasis and once the disease is active there are multiple causes which can trigger Psoriasis, we will discuss all this in this segment.

Once the disease we will discuss all this in this segment.There are multiple factors which can cause Psoriasis and once the disease is active there are multiple causes which can trigger Psoriasis, we will discuss all this in this segment.

Psoriasis Type

Major Types of Psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris): Plaque psoriasis occurs as crusty, red and dry patches of overgrown skin on the uppermost skin layer with a silvery white background comprised of dead skin tissues. This psoriasis is apparent on the scalp, knees, elbows and lower back. They produce itchy and painful scars on the area which often crack and start bleeding.

Flexural (Inverse): Although psoriasis maybe white in color, dark red lesions are often spread across different body parts, inverse psoriasis has very red lesions spurring up behind body folds, such as behind the knee, under the arm or in the groin. These lesions are shiny and smooth to touch.


Psoriasis FAQs

1. Can Psoriasis spread by touch?
2. What exactly is Psoriasis and can it spread to my kids? (Detail answer)
3. What are the causes of Psoriasis and what is Kayakalp’s mode of treatment?