What is the Best Cure for Psoriasis?


People with psoriasis are often looking for treatments that effectively tackle the symptoms of this autoimmune skin disorder. From the overproduction of skin cells to the plaque formation on the skin, several factors need to be monitored. At Kayakalp Global, we believe in holistic healing and providing personalised treatment plans for conditions like psoriasis. This …

People with psoriasis are often looking for treatments that effectively tackle the symptoms of this autoimmune skin disorder. From the overproduction of skin cells to the plaque formation on the skin, several factors need to be monitored. At Kayakalp Global, we believe in holistic healing and providing personalised treatment plans for conditions like psoriasis. This guide will look closely into “What is the Best Cure for Psoriasis?” and some of the best treatments for curing psoriasis in patients.

Developing patches of redness, scaling, and inflammation is often debilitating for the patient, significantly affecting their quality of life. Understanding the best treatment options for psoriasis is essential for managing its symptoms and improving the quality of life for those affected.

Psoriasis: Causes and Symptoms

Before we explore the different types of treatments for curing psoriasis, it is essential that we understand the list of causes and symptoms first. (Explore: What is the best treatment for psoriasis?)

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder caused by an overactive immune system that accelerates the skin’s life cycle, leading to the buildup of cells on the surface. Over time, these cells form scaly patches on the skin, which causes itching, redness, and often pain and discomfort.

Some of the most common causes of psoriasis include:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Immune system dysfunction
  • Potential triggers include stress, infections, medications, weather changes, skin injuries, etc.

Some of the symptoms of psoriasis include:

  • Red patches with silvery scales
  • Dry, cracked skin that may bleed
  • Itching, burning, or soreness
  • Thickened or ridged nails
  • Stiff and swollen joints (psoriatic arthritis)

When you recognise these symptoms early and seek medical help before it’s too late, it becomes much easier to navigate the complications and prevent further flare-ups or worsening of the condition.

Conventional Treatments for Psoriasis

Every person’s battle with psoriasis is subjective, meaning that the symptoms they experience, the triggers they deal with and the underlying causes will all be subjective.

This explains why it is important to be aware of all the symptoms involved in a psoriasis cure. This makes it easier to decide which treatment would best suit your needs. Modern medicine involves many effective conventional treatments worth highlighting.

1. Topical Treatments

If you are looking for “What is the best cure for psoriasis?” – topical therapy for psoriasis are usually the first ones most doctors prescribe and recommend. These usually include:

  • Corticosteroids: Reduce inflammation and itching but may thin the skin with prolonged use.
  • Vitamin D Analogues: Slow skin cell growth but may cause irritation in some cases.
  • Salicylic Acid: Helps in removing scales but can irritate sensitive skin.

Which out of these would best work for your psoriasis symptoms depends on the severity of the symptoms and the type of psoriasis you are likely dealing with.

2. Phototherapy

Next on the list of effective treatments for curing psoriasis is phototherapy, more specifically UV light therapy and laser therapy. This conventional treatment usually works wonders for patients suffering from moderate to severe plaque formation on their skin.

UV light therapy, especially UVB light therapy, has proven benefits in reducing inflammation, redness, and discomfort. Exposure to this therapy also slows down the spread of plaque and prevents future flare-ups. (Explore: Phototherapy for Psoriasis, light therapy for psoriasis)

3. Systemic Medications

These are usually treated as the last resort in the list of conventional treatments, especially for individuals who aren’t responding to the previous two treatment options. Immunosuppressants are usually the most common systemic medication that doctors recommend.

Furthermore, biologics are also quite effective and target specific immune pathways. However, they are expensive and may suppress overall immunity. So, choosing the right treatment route is paramount after a thorough consultation with a specialist.

Ayurvedic Approach to Psoriasis Treatment

Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, views psoriasis as a result of an imbalance in the body’s doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and the accumulation of toxins (ama). It emphasises treating the root cause rather than just the symptoms, ensuring long-term relief and improved overall health.

Some of the main pillars of Ayurveda for treating and curing psoriasis include:

  1. Detoxification (Panchakarma): Cleansing the body of toxins to restore balance.
  2. Dietary Modifications: Following a diet that pacifies dosha imbalances.
  3. Herbal Remedies: Using natural herbs with anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties.
  4. Lifestyle Changes: Incorporating stress-reducing practices like yoga and meditation.

At Kayakalp Global, our focus is on providing patients with a blend of modern medicine and Ayurveda to help them overcome the complications they are likely experiencing with their symptoms.

Psoriasis Treatment at Kayakalp Global

As we previously mentioned, no two psoriasis patients are the same, meaning that their symptoms and the complications they are experiencing are usually subjective.

This is one of the reasons why our psoriasis specialists at Kayakalp Global emphasise the importance of personalised treatments. This ensures that the treatment is targeted towards the patient’s symptoms and treats the condition from the root instead of treating the symptoms superficially.

Following are the steps of psoriasis treatment at Kayakalp Global:

  • The initial step is to schedule a consultation with our specialists at Kayakalp Global. During this consultation, all the symptoms and the patient’s medical history are discussed at length. Any issue unique to the patient’s case history is also assessed, and further tests are prescribed to pinpoint any underlying complication associated with the symptoms of psoriasis.
  • Following that, a personalized treatment plan is prescribed to the patient, following an integrated approach that blends the power of Ayurveda with modern medicine for the best outcomes.
  • Some patients are prescribed blood-purifying herbs, which clear toxins from the body, prevent plaque formation, improve digestion, and reduce stress. These herbs, in turn, support the psoriasis treatment and ensure that the patient has a better chance at recovery.

Note: Once the psoriasis disease enters the joints, the management of the condition usually becomes a lot more difficult. This explains why the patients need to take every symptom seriously and seek medical attention as quickly as possible.

Tips for Managing Psoriasis at Home

Beyond the medical intervention you receive at Kayakalp Global, there are certain tips that you can follow to manage the condition at home and keep the symptoms in check.

Following are a few tips to follow:

  • One of the most common issues with psoriasis is the formation of red, dry, and scaly plaque patches on the skin. So, keep your skin moisturised with oil or aloe vera gel.
  • The most common reason why people experience psoriatic symptom flare-ups is due to triggers like stress, certain foods, or harsh weather conditions. Identifying and avoiding these symptoms makes it easier to prevent the condition from flaring up.
  • Eating whole grains and a balanced diet can help control inflammation, which can also help control the symptoms of psoriasis.
  • Throughout the day, ensure that you are drinking enough water and keeping your body and the skin hydrated.

Contact Us Today for Holistic Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis may be challenging, but with the right approach, you can regain control over your skin and life. At Kayakalp Global, we are committed to providing natural, effective, and sustainable and the best psoriasis treatment in India.

Call us at 91-9599794433
Email us at [email protected]
Visit https://www.kayakalpglobal.com/

Don’t let psoriasis hold you back! Take the first step towards healing and rejuvenation.

Explore More About Psoriasis:

  1. सोरायसिस में केला खाना चाहिए या नहीं
  2. How To Cure Scalp Psoriasis Permanently In Hindi
  3. Photodynamic Therapy For Psoriasis
  4. Laser Therapy For Psoriasis
  5. Biologic Therapy For Psoriasis
  6. UV Light Therapy For Psoriasis
  7. Top Natural Oils For Psoriasis
  8. What Is The Main Cause Of Psoriasis?
  9. Do Psoriasis Go Away?
  10. What Is The Best Treatment For Psoriasis?
  11. What Is The Best Treatment For Psoriasis On Hands?
  12. Why Does Psoriasis Spread?
  13. What Is The Fastest Way To Cure Psoriasis On The Scalp?
  14. How Long Does Phototherapy Take To Work For Psoriasis?
  15. How Much Does Phototherapy For Psoriasis Cost?
  16. Light Therapy For Psoriasis
  17. Topical Therapy For Psoriasis
  18. Yoga Asanas For Scalp Psoriasis
  19. Can Yoga Help Psoriasis – A Holistic Approach To Healing
  20. Can Scalp Psoriasis Be Cured Permanently?
  21. How Do I Know If I Have Scalp Psoriasis?

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