Side Effects of Phototherapy: Are There Any?


With medical science's consistent growth, it isn’t surprising that a variety of amazing treatment options for conditions like vitiligo have been introduced, phototherapy being the most common one. Not just for vitiligo, phototherapy has also shown salient improvements in the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis. However, while it is a reasonably fantastic tool for treating …

With medical science’s consistent growth, it isn’t surprising that a variety of amazing treatment options for conditions like vitiligo have been introduced, phototherapy being the most common one. Not just for vitiligo, phototherapy has also shown salient improvements in the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis. However, while it is a reasonably fantastic tool for treating severe skin conditions, it doesn’t take away from the fact that there are potential side effects of phototherapy associated, too.

If you are curious about the details of phototherapy’s side effects, we will examine all the potential factors involved.

What is Phototherapy?

Bexaminingxamine the side effects, it is vitfirst understand phototherapy and how it works to treat the symptoms of certain skin diseases.

Phototherapy involves using ultraviolet (UV) light to treat certain skin conditions. It works by:

  • Reducing inflammation: Light can help decrease inflammation associated with skin conditions.
  • Slowing skin cell growth: In conditions like psoriasis, where skin cells proliferate, phototherapy can regulate this process.
  • Stimulating vitamin D production: Exposure to specific light wavelengths can boost vitamin D levels, which is beneficial for some skin conditions.

What are the Types of Phototherapy Used for Skin Disease Treatment?

Beyond the mechanism of action of phototherapy treatments, understanding the different types is essential, too.

  • Ultraviolet B (UVB): Narrowband and broadband UVB treat psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo. Narrowband UVB emits a more specific range of UV light, which is believed to be more effective and safer.
  • Ultraviolet A (UVA): UVA light is often used with a drug called psoralen in a treatment known as PUVA (psoralen + UVA). This is used for more severe cases of psoriasis and vitiligo.

What are the Side Effects of Phototherapy?

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of phototherapy, it is also vital that you understand the side effects. They are classified based on how drastic and long-lasting the symptoms are.

Skin irritation

One of the most common complications people experience after undergoing phototherapy treatment is skin irritation. This is usually a short-term and temporary complication that can manifest as redness, dryness, or itching on the skin. Depending on the patient’s skin sensitivity, the irritation usually subsides within a few hours or days.

Burning sensation

Another common short-term side effect that many complain about is the burning sensation on the skin. Patients describe it as a sunburn-like reaction. It is usually more common in patients who are getting higher doses and intensities of exposed phototherapy.

Skin thickening

Patients who undergo prolonged phototherapy often develop thickening of the skin. This is a fairly common complication that can affect the skin’s texture and appearance. It is more common in patients with psoriasis.

Nausea and vomiting

Although not as common, experiencing nausea and vomiting is another potential complication that you might experience when you are getting phototherapy for your skin diseases. Studies have found that the risks are usually a lot more common for patients undergoing PUVA therapy.

Long-term side effects

Now that we have a fair idea about the short-term side effects, which usually subside within a few hours to a few days, it is essential that we have a better idea about the long-term side effects, too.

Premature aging

Surprisingly, one of the most common long-term complications that come with phototherapy treatments for skin diseases is signs of premature aging. The focused light beams often impact the skin’s collagen and elastin production, leading to issues with prominent signs of wrinkles and such on the face.

Increased risks of skin cancer

Although relatively low, there remains a slight risk of developing skin cancer for patients who are undergoing phototherapy treatment for their skin. Your doctors will communicate all of these potential risks at length.

Eye damage

In some cases, when phototherapy is done without proper experience and supervision, the treatment can contribute to eye damage. This happens due to overexposure to ultraviolet light, which leads to eye damage over the long course of time. Common complications include cataracts or macular degeneration.

Hormonal changes

Another one of the common complications that people experience with phototherapy is experiencing hormonal changes.

Also Read:- Phototherapy for Psoriasis: Costs, Risks and Effectiveness

How to Manage the Side Effects of Phototherapy?

While the side effects are fairly common when it comes to phototherapy, we also have to keep in consideration that there are certain preventive measures that one can take to manage the side effects.

  • A thorough assessment of the patient’s medical history, skin type, and current medications is crucial before initiating phototherapy. This includes determining any history of skin cancer or conditions that make the patient sensitive to light.
  • Both the patient and the doctor performing the procedure must wear protective eyewear during the sessions to reduce risks or complications related to the eyes.
  • Treatment parameters, such as the intensity and duration of light exposure, should be tailored to the individual patient’s needs and tolerance to prevent long-term complications.
  • During phototherapy, monitoring the patient’s skin and overall health is essential. Any signs of adverse reactions should be promptly addressed, and treatment protocols should be adjusted as necessary.

Above all, it is essential to educate the patient and their family regarding the potential risks and side effects of phototherapy to ensure that they are making informed decisions about the procedure.


Phototherapy is a valuable treatment option for many skin conditions, but weighing the benefits against the potential risks is essential. By understanding the side effects and taking appropriate precautions, patients can maximize the effectiveness of phototherapy while minimizing discomfort.

If you are suffering from the symptoms of any severe skin disease, such as psoriasis, vitiligo, or eczema, it is time to seek help from experienced healthcare providers. At Kayakalp Global, we are here to help you navigate the complications and find the root cause so you can lead a better quality of life in the future.

To schedule your consultation, contact our team at 91-9599794433.

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