Approximately one percent of the population in the world suffer from an auto immune disorder called vitiligo. If you are reading this article, chances are you or someone you know is suffering from vitiligo. Vitiligo is often characterised by loss of skin colour due to the destruction of pigment producing cells called melanocytes. The causes …
Loss of skin colour is just the tip of the iceberg. Only those who suffer from this cynical disorder fully understand the harsh reality of the disease. A major effect vitiligo has is not physical but mental. The mental toll the disease has on the person is profound and debilitating. Stress in turn acts as an aggravating factor and this turns into a vicious cycle.
As tightly knit the Indian culture is, it has its own demerits. Social stigma is one such demerit. Patients often are stared at and looked down upon causing them to lose confidence. Lost job opportunities, hiding from the world, shying away from public gatherings, not being able to wear their favourite clothes can have a profound effect on their mental health. Persons suffering from vitiligo develop sun burns relatively more easily.
Free Consultation Most Affordable Treatment 1,00,000 + Happy Patients Treatment at Home 25 + years of doctors experience Free Consultation Most Affordable Treatment 1,00,000 + Happy Patients FSSAI Approved Treatment at Home 25 + years of doctors experienceVitiligo treatment with Kayakalp Global
Approved Vitiligo treatment with Kayakalp Global
Depression, anxiety and embarrassment are serious side effects that are indirectly related to vitiligo. At Kayakalap we recommend our patients bring about lifestyle changes and provide them with dietary as well as lifestyle modifications. Twenty minutes of pranayama and yoga are strictly recommended by white patches specialist in delhi ncr, Dr. Dhawan.
Since vitiligo is an auto immune disorder, the chances of developing other auto immune disorder such as thyroid disorders also increases. Studies reveal that offspring of parents suffering from both vitiligo and thyroid have a thirty percent chance of developing vitiligo. Also Read: Thyroid Function Tests For Vitiligo.
Hence, early management is key to success. If you see the snoring before the white spots have reached your lips or finger toss do not hesitate in contacting Kayakalap Global at the earliest. Join hands with the most trusted team of leucoderma specialist in india.