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Use of Steroids in Psoriasis, How long it can be used?

Use of Steroids in Psoriasis Treatment

Main treatment for psoriasis in external application is use of steroids and vitamin D derivatives. Patient keep on using these ointments after buying from medical stores for years.in this article I will like to share with you how to use these ointments containing steroids safely.

The ointment for external use in psoriasis can be divided in three main categories.

1. Class 1 drugs which contain Betamethasone and Fluticasone

2. Class 2 drugs contain Clobetasole and Momatasone

3. Class 3 drugs contain Halobetasole.

So u must check your ointment that what composition it contains because medically class three drugs Halobetasole should not be sued for more than one month. Class 2 drugs Clobetasole should not be used for more than three months and class 1 drug betamethasone should not be used for more than 6 months.

Then you should check if your ointment contains salicylic acid in it. Use of salicylic acid 3% is recommended for three months and 6% and 12% should be used under strict medical supervision.

If psoriasis is covering small areas like knees and elbow one can use these ointments but if more body part is covered then there are safer ayurvedic applications available at Kayakalp Global and those medicines should be used.

Psoriasis treatment with Kayakalp Global


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Psoriasis treatment with Kayakalp Global


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25 + years of doctors experience

When you use steroidal applications on large area it causes absorption of steroids in blood which can cause diabetes and raised blood pressure.

Kayakalp Global has developed safer herbal application and ayurvedic treatments which are safe to be used for longer periods of time.

In staring cases it can be integrated with steroidal applications and gradually steroidal creams and ointments can be tapered off.

Kayakalp is working on Amaltas plant and fresh leaves are collected and made paste with water. This paste is more effective than class 1 and 2 category of steroids.

Kayakalp has developed fast acting medicines for psoriasis of hands and feet. This is used at night and skin is wrapped with a polythene overnight so that moisture can be retained .This give near total cure in psoriasis suffering from psoriasis of hands and feet.

Patients having psoriasis in larger areas of body should never use steroidal applications as safer alternate are available in Ayurveda which when used on full body in combination with sun exposure for 20 minutes give amazing results.

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